Example sentences of "'s letter to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I 've spoken to her — and seen the contents of Beatrix 's letter to her .
2 ‘ My lord 's letter to me was headed simply : Upper Chamber , The Garden Tower .
3 My two friends had found Orlick 's letter to me , which , in my hurry , I had dropped in my room in London .
4 My growing interest in politics , however , was reflected in Eliot 's letter to me of 4 January 1937 :
5 Aethelbald 's association with these councils does not give the impression of a king so totally outside contemporary conventions as Boniface 's letter to him seems to imply .
6 Judging from the tone of Mr.Peavey 's letter to your Feedback column , I guess Hartley did get ‘ peeved ’ over my interview in your March ‘ 92 issue .
7 Mr. Collins 's letter to my constituent , which is extremely clear , states : ’ In the case of the rail link , there would have been no proposal to build a terminal , were it not for the need to provide one for the Channel Tunnel rail link .
8 Major Tuck 's letter to his son , by now encoded , was transmitted by teleprinter to the Defence Ministry in Baghdad .
9 The King 's Private Secretary , Lord Stamfordham , wrote to MacDonald to say that the King was ‘ profoundly impressed with Sir Arthur Balfour 's letter to you — his review of the critical condition of affairs will , in His Majesty 's opinion , bring home to his Ministers that the time has come when even emergency measures may be necessary in order to avert a calamity which , as Sir Arthur Balfour states , is not altogether incompatible with that of the Great War .
10 I read with amazement Sir Alexander Leith 's letter to you in this morning 's press .
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