Example sentences of "'s reaction to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For ten years Law had been at the heart of the party 's reactions to political events , largely because his own views mirrored those of his followers almost exactly .
2 Economists are interested in the economy 's reactions to such changes because society 's ability to purchase goods and services may be affected .
3 They tend to communicate in a form of shorthand based on this common database and can to some extent predict each other 's reactions to normal situations .
4 Thus , while Piaget emphasised the importance of the child 's actions upon the world , other researchers have focused upon the child 's reactions to other people and the interactions which occur when adult and infant act and react towards each other over a period of time .
5 This is an important question because such a belief conflicts with the plausible assumption that intense emotion often endures beyond the situation that provoked it , and colours one 's reactions to later events .
6 Participation in the affairs of State and open discussions of political matters must now be tempered by the need for survival between the testing conditions of competition abroad and what results from the State 's reactions to these conditions , the resentments of the population at home .
7 As China 's reaction to Western sanctions over the events in Tiananmen has shown , further international pressure on the Dalai Lama 's behalf may only reinforce Peking 's siege mentality and strengthen its conviction that the West is conspiring to undermine socialism in China .
8 ‘ What was Lapointe 's reaction to all this ? ’ asked Moreau .
9 Without waiting for The Fat Controller 's reaction to all this , she turned and went back to her own table , where she was greeted with little ‘ Well done 's and furtive shoulder pats from her fellow diners .
10 This bias will shape the individual 's reaction to that information .
11 Labour 's reaction to that is that local authority inspection should be made the universal norm , with local authorities inspecting the schools which only they are allowed to run .
12 What what was Mrs 's reaction to that ?
13 The dominant supporting character is Lady Davers , who supplies an analysis of society 's reaction to such a misalliance .
14 This animal 's reaction to certain sequences of notes was to throw itself into uncontrollable convulsions .
15 I WAS disgusted to read Mr Wilson 's reaction to earlier closing of the pubs in Edinburgh .
16 Survivorship and dry matter production are very gross measures of a plant 's reaction to different types of neighbour .
17 Mr Slater 's reaction to this soubriquet is characteristically sanguine : ‘ Thumper had big feet and you know what they say about men with big feet … ’
18 Gloucester 's reaction to this arrangement is unknown , but Lancashire was the one area of the north where Edward failed to endorse his power and the duke may well have resented his exclusion ; recent work has emphasized that he never entirely abandoned claims to grants which he had once held .
19 Bohr 's reaction to this later development was " Strange but true " ; Einstein 's " Too weird to be credible " .
20 Lady Amory 's reaction to this was a mixture of sadness and the old excitement : ‘ We 're very fortunate in that in the near part of the wood garden we 've been able to grass over and you would n't realise the number of big trees that have come down .
21 She was startled at the savagery of Alain 's reaction to this mild statement .
22 Marx 's reaction to this was as much an attempt to counter the claim being made on behalf of the Prussian bureaucracy in the 1840s that it offered an alternative to constitutionalism , as it was a theoretical objection to Hegel 's interpretation of the state ( Liebich 1982 ) .
23 Gloucester 's reaction to this arrangement is unknown , but Lancashire was the one area of the north where Edward failed to endorse his power and the duke may well have resented his exclusion ; recent work has emphasized that he never entirely abandoned claims to grants which he had once held .
24 The reader 's reaction to this may be to ask , " Yes , but are they really biological objects ? "
25 So what 's the Cathedral 's reaction to this afternoon 's rather confusing news ?
26 Emma 's reaction to these stories is not recorded .
27 Reaction to the overt corruption of much aristocratic politicking in the form of organised Radicalism had little consistent support in the area but its presence contributed both to the increasing strength of popular protest and to the fierceness of the gentry 's reaction to any form of mass criticism .
28 Consequently , alcohol abuse should be dealt with not as a problem in itself , but as an individual 's reaction to social distress .
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