Example sentences of "'s attention to the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Forte said the present trading difficulties had at least one benefit — in drawing the Government 's attention to the industry .
2 Ealing 's Meet Mr Lucifer ( 1953 ) defined the new medium 's effect on audiences as largely negative and , by distinguishing the communal address of cinema from television 's attention to the individual , established a line of attack that was to be much used later .
3 Scots law treats as murder killings with ‘ wicked recklessness ’ , a phrase which directs the court 's attention to the circumstances of the killing .
4 There was no point in calling Mrs Browning 's attention to the deeper implications of her statement — she would only take it ill .
5 Reproducing these features encouraged skill in draughtsmanship : it also drew Hardy 's attention to the abundance of detail and sheer exuberance of Gothic style , characterised by Ruskin as ‘ fancifulness , love of variety , love of richness ’ .
6 Whereas for most Greeks and Romans , whether they believed in cycles or not , the dominant aspects of time were the present and the past , Christianity directed man 's attention to the future .
7 Indeed , the judge had directed the jury 's attention to the final minutes of the film , which depicted a couple making love in explicit anatomical detail , some of which was photographed in close shot .
8 The 1959 obscenity test is one of effect , which directs the jury 's attention to the extent to which a work tends to encourage such feelings of aversion or revulsion rather than of corruption or depravity .
9 When paying for your wine , you do n't need to draw the assistant 's attention to the Multibuy the saving is automatically credited to your bill , even if the bottles are not entered into the till consecutively .
10 However , the Road Traffic Act of 1982/3 did not allow for Zone signs to be introduced even on a temporary basis , so it was necessary for an information sign to be erected at every junction , showing not only a 30 km/h speed limit , but also drawing the driver 's attention to the changed priority ( right before left ) .
11 A Labour Party spokesman , however , has got round this little difficulty by asking the company 's current auditors and their predecessors what they did to draw the public 's attention to the problem .
12 The first forcibly draws the reader 's attention to the changing costing scene that has placed traditional costing systems in the dock .
13 As the train approached the main line , from the sidings , the locomotive 's second man drew the driver 's attention to the shadowy figure of a tramp walking along the line in front of them .
14 Nowhere in my diary do I mention this physical discomfort , and even now I ca n't remember it as amounting to pain , although I do remember the school doctor drawing the matron 's attention to the extensive bruising on the softer parts of my body .
15 The aim of the paper was , it said , to draw the minister 's attention to the way ‘ UK Ltd ’ was helping Iraq ‘ often unwillingly but sometimes not ’ to set up a major indigenous arms industry .
16 AI drew the King 's attention to the prolonged detention without charge or trial of suspected government opponents , reports of torture , deaths in custody , and the practice of keeping prisoners in manacles .
17 Under John Major as Prime Minister efforts have been made to bring China 's attention to the plight of pro-democracy activists .
18 Mr Martin drew Ortega 's attention to the Nicaraguan practice of keeping prisoners standing upright in their cells , a particularly painful and degrading treatment against which Amnesty had been vigorously campaigning .
19 These faults can be cured by a determined reformer who ( a ) draws people 's attention to the offending forms , explaining why they offend , and then ( b ) suggests an alternative form that people can use instead .
20 Each morning her mother drew Emma 's attention to the chart and gave her a lot of praise and attention while she selected a sticker for her good behaviour .
21 Jaq drew Meh'Lindi 's attention to the bio-scanner in its filigreed , jade-studded frame .
22 Imagine the driver 's passenger attempting to draw the baby 's attention to the pigeons , the traffic lights , and the roadworks .
23 ( It is somewhat remarkable to note that after such stirring events , the committee went on to draw the master 's attention to the fact that a horse had been observed grazing in the paddock , which had been let for sheep only .
24 Rather than reveal qualitative differences among the banks and draw the public 's attention to the bad-debt mess ( not to mention the responsibility for it of the finance ministry , which regulates banks ) , officials are doing everything they can to help banks sweep their problems under the carpet .
25 Can I just draw people 's attention to the very last point which was made in case any one sending large sums of cash through the post office , erm , it , it 's been running for a long time
26 Pomeshchiks on small and medium-sized estates resented the privileges enjoyed by monasteries and looked hungrily at their lands , while the swelling needs of the Treasury drew the Tsar 's attention to the resources of the Church .
27 There is a feeling of disarray about the house ; newspapers and books are mixed with the baby 's toys and used cups and saucers draw the visitor 's attention to the washing up left undone .
28 If you are talking about marketing pot plants , then some of the sample plants will help to draw your audience 's attention to the subject .
29 But it 's important too to draw the child 's attention to the patterns of spelling , and to show him how to analyse words .
30 The Board is happy to commend this work to the church and directs the church 's attention to the contemporary statement of the Christian ideal of the family contained within that report .
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