Example sentences of "not simply [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Second , elite theory community power studies argue by contrast that national elites do not simply float in a disconnected way above the vast mass of secondary issues which compose the domestic politics of liberal democracies .
2 His actions then ( in this case in calling the twelve ) did not simply relate to his immediate Jewish context , but are to be seen as a considered action undertaken in relation to his having founded the church .
3 But this time , once in a millenium , they do not simply stand outside a lighted window , looking in at what they 've lost .
4 Language does not simply stand as a signifier for some thing , an exact reference between a word and a thing .
5 That means our discussion programmes , for example , should not simply consist of white able-bodied men .
6 A ‘ message ’ Christology can not simply consist in a message , a message which exists independently of the person who preached it .
7 Disenchanted Conservatives did not simply stay at home .
8 It did not simply result in a situation in which the Liberals won 2.2 per cent of the Commons seats in return for 19.3 per cent of the national vote since Labour also sneaked into office with only 37.1 per cent of the votes cast — less than the Conservative total .
9 This factor of material prosperity , which was already cited by Sombart ( 1906 ) at the beginning of this century as a partial explanation of the absence of any large-scale socialist movement in the US , acquired particularly great importance in the period following the Second World War , when economic growth took place more rapidly than ever before , and the question could be posed as to whether the US did not simply show to capitalist Europe the image of its own future — a future that would be characterized by a decline of the socialist movement , and indeed of all ideological revolutionary parties and movements .
10 They did not simply speak of the human Jesus of Nazareth and of the relation of persons to him as a human .
11 One might say that the feminist problem is that one can not simply speak of the one nature without the other .
12 For this and other reasons we recommend that most of the fibre is obtained from vegetables , salad , and fruit , which does not have this effect , and that you do not simply spoon on dollops of bran in order to increase fibre intake .
13 That re-emphasises the fact that we can not simply talk about cancelling Trident .
14 The reason is that , as interest rates fall , although people may buy fewer UK securities , they will not simply switch to holding idle balances of sterling .
15 Obviously we can not simply rely on the raw figures if we wish to consider whether local authority expenditure had grown since the £9,230 million spent in 1974 — the year of reorganisation .
16 The best are those that do not simply rely on a historical setting , but encourage historical skills , evaluation and understanding .
17 This case shows neither that employers should refuse jobs to those who have a murky past nor that they should not entrust secrets to subordinate employees — that is impracticable — but that they should not simply rely on the implied duty of confidence ; it can lead to misunderstandings and difficulties as to what is really secret .
18 A court would interpret such words in their natural manner which is objective , i.e. the Secretary of State could not simply rely upon his own subjective beliefs , but would have to point to some evidence from which it could reasonably be inferred that , for example , Napoleon was a person of hostile origin .
19 It is clear from these brief analyses that the nature and scope of the context that is constructed for each individual poem does not simply depend on the choice of deictic expressions in the text , but rather results from the combined effect of a wide range of variables , including the content of the text as a whole , and the attitudes and experiences that readers bring to the text or develop during reading .
20 But what emerges is a team of people who do not simply acquiesce with the head .
21 The ‘ poor ’ in Scripture does not simply refer to those living at or beneath subsistence level — it ‘ can be extended to cover all the oppressed , all those who are dependent upon the mercy of others .
22 By ‘ deconstructionist ’ Brooke-Rose does not simply refer to the fact that her novel ‘ deconstructs ’ itself .
23 … the work done should not simply start from the book , but should constantly return and refer to it , … much of the work , including writing , should involve small group work and … books should involve us in ‘ improvising upon representatives of reality ’
24 But Lyons can not simply shrug off such features as irrelevant and somehow ‘ impure ’ , for no use of English occurs without them .
25 For a commercial firm of solicitors , expertise in Community law does not simply grow like Topsy .
26 They did not simply react in a uniform manner to the experience of heat .
27 Enlightenment demands that we should not simply engage in the practices that are part of these rational pursuits ( submitting to their different forms of ‘ groundedness ’ ) , but that we should maintain our own integrity .
28 Like professional scientists , he is very cautious about rejecting an explanation that accounts for what he knows , and he will not simply submit to authority .
29 In these situations it is often the deterioration of the mind of the old person which makes tending tasks so hard to bear , which reminds us that we do not simply respond to bodies , we respond to people , negatively or positively .
30 But he does not simply pontificate from his position as an excellent photographer , or regurgitate standard procedures .
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