Example sentences of "not therefore [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 They are the kind of assumptions which make whole sciences possible and rational , and they can not therefore be tested within these sciences .
2 The Nazarean Party must not therefore be seen as a separate unit , but rather as a nucleus — the equivalent of a general staff , a privy council or a cabinet .
3 This probably reflects the effect of high male mortality rates resultant from the major wars and it should not therefore be assumed that future cohorts of elderly will continue to illustrate this extreme gender imbalance .
4 The representations which come from members of the public and others can not therefore be assumed in all cases to embody the approach which would be given were a a full understanding of the previous and proposed situations in the mind of those who made that proposal .
5 The moral debate about what should be defined as crime is a debate about what we think is undesirable , and should not therefore be tolerated .
6 The IRR method can not therefore be relied on for ranking different lease proposals .
7 It could not therefore be said that the defendant was assuming any rights . "
8 The recognition that children can not simply be written off in the rationality stakes and can not therefore be denied autonomy on this account has led some writers to conclude that they can not , therefore , be denied it on any account .
9 It can not therefore be stated , as an abstract proposition , that he suffers any detriment from the discharge of that duty ; and the declaration does not show in what way the defendant could have derived any advantage from the plaintiff paying his own debts .
10 This hatred of Lloyd George on the part of both Baldwin and MacDonald made it very difficult for the Conservative or Labour Parties to contemplate either coalition with the Liberals , or even a tacit understanding with them to sustain a minority government ; and the politics of the 1920s can not therefore be understood without appreciating the widespread antagonism both to coalition and to Lloyd George personally .
11 Note that software in one LIFESPAN system can not therefore be accessed from another .
12 A substantial number of Conservative MPs argued that parents of prospective pupils should be allowed to vote on the grounds that the parents of prospective pupils have a bigger stake in the future of the school than parents whose children are in their final year and who will not therefore be affected by any changes .
13 The importance of sound recruitment and selection can not therefore be overstressed .
14 His conception of civil association as a form of moral association and his idea of jus of lex should not therefore be viewed rationalistically .
15 All those whose contributions are accepted for oral or poster presentation will not therefore be asked to pay a registration fee to attend the meeting .
16 Now the Board of Practice and Procedure has a budget and w which we have already negotiated , and we 're hoping to be able to hold our presbytery clerks conference but there is nothing in the budget that could possibly cope with these additional conferences and these would therefore be new and additional expenditure , and this motion can not therefore be treated as competent .
17 Meat-sharing among chimpanzees should not therefore be ascribed totally to altruism .
18 The plausibility of a justification of power in terms of wealth can not therefore be separated from questions about how wealth is distributed .
19 of the vessel 's crew , irrespective of their nationality , to reside ashore in the member state in question was irrelevant to the aim of the quota system and could not therefore be justified by that aim .
20 Or do they say that , because the police behaved badly , the confession is , as a result , unreliable or unfair and it should not therefore be entered in evidence ?
21 Once more , the question of what is morally or ideologically correct is not at issue here : political rectitude is not a consideration since the politics of ‘ race relations ’ are not articulated and can not therefore be interrogated .
22 The pattern revealed by kinship terms can not therefore be used as evidence of marriage systems in the way that Morgan believed .
23 Products not sold mean ‘ dead money ’ — that is , money tied up which can not therefore be used elsewhere .
24 Gastric emptying tests can not therefore be used to make the diagnosis , although they can , nevertheless yield results consistentwith the diagnosis .
25 The reason is that this is cash that banks are likely to need anyway , and which can not therefore be used to meet an increase in demand for cash . )
26 Their relevance outside the situation for which they were designed , where eventual aims can not be so readily related to learning objectives , should not therefore be taken on trust ( see Widdowson 1983 ) .
27 The suggestion that he is not supporting her while she is receiving benefit can not therefore be taken as positive evidence that their relationship is not comparable to that of husband and wife .
28 A surge in consumer spending can not therefore be taken for granted .
29 The points distribution is not significantly different from a horizontal line and a relation between the villus height and the body weight can not therefore be considered in this body weight range .
30 The class position of the bureaucracy can not therefore be identified by reference to an a priori definition of class .
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