Example sentences of "not take [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He could not take her to bed in his double , conjugal room , but , no doubt Amaranth had a single somewhere .
2 Then when I die she will not take me to her bosom to rest .
3 My imagination could not take me to such depths of anger , so I implored her to tell me what was happening before Kareem ( my husband ) paid his afternoon visit .
4 The doctors are appalled by the press , everybody is appalled ; the nurse is freaking out and saying she will not take me to the operating theatre because they will take my picture and harass me ; she is terrified somebody is going to hit her , so in the end my lawyer wheels me because nobody else dares .
5 Let him not take me in his arms .
6 However , it does not take somebody with a great imagination to think of using someone 's invention to base two of the hatter 's obsessions upon .
7 Rose did not take him at his word .
8 One of them , Machik , ‘ manifested great inventiveness , cunning and insidiousness in his struggle against the Russian authorities , and the voevody could not take him at his word ’ .
9 The Storys leave for Rome at the end of this month and can not take him with them .
10 His repugnance , for example , does not take him to the point of seeking to prevent those who wished to take part in war from doing so .
11 ‘ I shall not take him to Court .
12 She could not take him to Nan-Nan who would soon be , if she were n't already , fussing , supervising the nurserymaids , the care of the baby … .
13 He thrust the clothes brush into the bewildered Prendergast 's hand , patted him on the shoulder , and made tracks for the Personnel Director 's Office by a circuitous route that did not take him past his own .
14 Those of us who live in south-east London not three miles from King 's Cross know that if we were taking our children to meet a continental train , or if we were taking elderly parents or grandparents to meet the train , we would not take them to King 's Cross , because we could not park there or get them near the platforms .
15 Breaks my heart to part with them but I am going to live abroad and can not take them with me .
16 Housing allowances invariably form a separate part of the remuneration policy ( although it is surprising how many employers do not take them into account when determining cost of living allowances ) .
17 The people in the street outside may tell the market researchers that they are more confident than they were six months ago , but that does not take them into the shop , put their money over the counter or pay the staff wages of the retailer .
18 And one can not take something to be x unless one can distinguish between things which are x and things which are not x , as such .
19 All marriages are special occasions but a second marriage is a doubly precious time because you do not take everything for granted .
20 Ellen was emphatic : — I could not take myself to a Foreign Land as you did Lily and never wanted such a thing and though you would be there that alone would in no way satisfy me and I should be afraid .
21 But Mills warned : ‘ We can not take anything for granted . ’
22 But Mr Lyall will not take anything for granted even though Ipswich are 10 points clear at the top .
23 I received a letter this morning from the social security office stating that it can not take anything off the income support of one woman who is being pursued for arrears because she is too poor .
24 He then walked out of the house saying he was leaving but did not take anything with him and the car remained outside the house .
25 I wanted a space blanket even more , but I could not take anything from the Land Rover for myself until the next settlement .
26 Her lip lifted slightly as she replied , ‘ I will not take anything from you !
27 Maybe they simply see the ark as a visible guarantee of God 's presence and of victory , but that understanding of it is no better , for then they turn it into an idol , ascribe to it magical powers , and leave us asking why they did not take it into battle in the first place .
28 At least in the youth game the referee has a very clear directive as to who should be awarded the put-in ; the side who did not take it into ruck or maul .
29 I only pray heaven she may not take it into her head to run away while I am out of reach ! ’
30 They knew the realist option but did not take it as a way out of a social impasse , because , I would argue , the phenomenalist tendency of thought is too strong .
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