Example sentences of "not normally [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It is generally agreed that making a bad decision ( for which the remedy is an appeal ) will not normally be treated as ground for dismissal of a Circuit judge as showing ‘ inability or misbehaviour ’ .
2 Clubs and other organisations which are set up purely for sporting purposes can not normally be recognised as charities and would not be able to enjoy the relaxations proposed .
3 A power of sale under a general lien should not normally be exercised without recourse to legal advice .
4 For instance Education -Bibliographies would not normally be featured in a thesaurus , whereas headings of this type are common in traditional subject headings lists .
5 This is done in Appendix C , but to anticipate briefly , the reasons depend in essence on two facts : ( a ) Whenever a property is qualified it remains a property , so that e.g. ( P P ) P reduces to P P ; ( b ) The property of an adjective can not normally be applied to another property-word but only to an E. Thus while ( P E ) P reduces from a purely structural point of view to P P , it needs to be treated as a distinct pattern when the final P is an adjective , since , unless the E can be taken into account , the structure will be literally incoherent .
6 You will not normally be asked to speak during this induction period .
7 Boots which have been factory-treated and given a waterproof finish should not normally be given a wax treatment when new , but should be treated with ordinary shoe polish .
8 However , it has been said in the context of applications for judicial review of decisions of bodies exercising powers to regulate takeovers that a remedy would not normally be given until after the takeover process was complete .
9 Michael Heseltine , when Secretary of State for the Environment , introduced a simple test , which is now permanently enshrined in the Planning circulars : permission will not normally be granted for the demolition of a listed building unless it has been offered for sale on the open market , preferably freehold .
10 It follows from this that leave should not normally be granted in such a case while the takeover ‘ battle ’ is still in progress .
11 It recommended that trials of scheduled terrorist offences should be conducted without a jury ; that members of the armed services should be given power to arrest and to detain for up to four hours to establish identity ; that bail should not normally be granted ; that the onus of proof as to the possession of firearms and explosives should in certain circumstances be shifted to the accused ; and that the rules about the admissibility as evidence of confessions and signed statements should be relaxed .
12 This explains why the totem animal may not normally be killed , and why the totemic clan is exagamous .
13 A person who manages or is part of the same group as the investment manager of an investment trust company will not normally be regarded as an appropriate person to give independent advice in relation to that company .
14 Since claims by non-State third parties will not normally be presented before an international forum and are not directly governed by the terms of the Vienna Convention , the outcome may well be significantly different from those involving third States .
16 However , this is an incomplete representation , although the claims of non-State third parties will not normally be made within international institutional arenas which , with limited exceptions , are reserved to States .
17 It will not normally be affected by the setting of the current limit control ( VR1 ) unless the circuit has begun to ‘ current limit ’ .
18 Most verbs which are used of situations where the object — talking strictly of the intensional level and not of the world referred to — does not change its properties ( between the narrow focus on the object phrase alone , and the wider view when it is construed with the verb and the adjective as in ( 22 ) ) will not be suitable ; if a property that might be expressed by an adjective could be present in the wider structural context , then its applicability will not normally be connected with the link between the verb and the noun phrase .
19 The received waves are called radar echoes and they can carry the various categories of information that can be borne by any em wave , as outlined in section 3.1.2 , though planetary temperatures can not normally be extracted by radar .
20 Cells can not normally be seen without a microscope , being about one-thousandth of a millimetre in diameter .
21 Many business issues manifestly demand knowledge that would not normally be possessed by the lay person , for example , concerning the risks inherent in marketing new products , the techniques for maintaining cash-flow , or the steps that should be taken to guard against currency fluctuations , not to mention technical issues specific to particular industries .
22 But damages could not normally be obtained for an innocent misrepresentation .
23 Clearly there may well be more than an element of exaggeration in this insistence , but it makes more sense if we accept their view that a great many features of literature that might not normally be recognized , at least at first sight , as terms of a comparison , nonetheless have a metaphorical or analogical function .
24 A writ will not normally be renewed so as to deprive the defendant of the accrued benefit of a limitation period , and the court does not deal with the question of whether to renew a writ after expiry of the limitation period on the same basis as an application to disapply the limitation period under s33 of the Limitation Act 1980 ( see para 1.37 above ) ( Waddon v Whitecroft-Scovill Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 WLR 309 ) .
25 Transfers of shares will not normally be registered after the close of business on the record date .
26 In any case , typical vibration frequencies of less than 0·5 eV ( ∼ 4000 cm -1 ) can not normally be resolved , except under special circumstances when a monochromator is used to reduce the source linewidth from ∼ 1·2 to ∼ 0·2 eV .
27 The figures on marketable wealth exclude the value of occupational pensions which can not normally be sold .
28 There are several techniques that might be used in international marketing research that would not normally be used for research into ‘ domestic ’ markets .
29 It will not normally be used on its own but as a facing or interlayer in composite materials .
30 It is well known that heat can be used to kill malignant cells but this approach can not normally be used where the tumour cells are deeply seated in the body , as can be the case in bone tumours .
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