Example sentences of "not be met [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But sooner or later the firm 's demand for investment capital would become so large that this demand could not be met at a fixed cost of capital and r would begin to rise .
2 For instance the report argues that the actual overcrowding and potential greater overcrowding at the school is not so great that it can not be met with temporary classrooms and eventually new extensions to the school ( DDP : 11–12 ) .
3 However , the government round it more difficult than expected to cut public expenditure and this , coupled with a desire to reduce taxation in order to increase incentives , meant that the PSBR targets could not be met without an extra source of revenue .
4 Even the simplest , most basic requirement we make of translation can not be met without difficulty : one can not always match the content of a message in language A by an expression with exactly the same content in language B , because what can be expressed and what must be expressed is a property of a specific language in much the same way as how it can be expressed .
5 I have used all the influence that I can muster to ensure that working people do not lose their jobs as a result of a lack of competitiveness and costs on employers that could not be met without shedding labour .
6 ‘ Look at the intensity of the preparations for major matches , ’ he says , ‘ The expenses could not be met without sponsorship but it is also good to see this kind of money being used right down the line .
7 for Valuables and Portable Possessions , the balance should not be met under the Household
8 If labour requirements can not be met through the more efficient or intensive use of the existing labour force , a great many employers ( almost half ) use temporary or casual labour including former registered dockers made redundant under the Dock Labour Compensation Scheme .
9 Many still felt that the chief need was for full employment and adequate pay , which would enable the working class to provide for their own needs and to retain their independence of state control ; though they were prepared to accept immediate state help for those whose needs could not be met in this way , such as the aged .
10 The exhaustive ballot can be used only if the voters have the opportunity , the time and the inclination to participate in all the ballots that may be necessary — conditions that clearly can not be met in parliamentary elections .
11 A claimant 's rates bills will not be met in full ; only 80 per cent of this sum will be covered by housing benefit .
12 The Directorate of Public Service Management dismissed an estimated 12,000 strikers on Nov. 6 , after some 60,000 to 70,000 government and public-sector workers had taken industrial action in support of a 154 per cent wage rise , originally agreed between the National Amalgamated Union and the government , but which government officials now said could not be met in view of the budget deficit .
13 I think there are two points there , firstly I think that the York greenbelt should not be drawn overly tightly , it should allow for some provision for peripheral post two thousand and six , because there will be inevitably demands arising in that period , which can not be met in the new settlement , and I disagree with the County Council on their approach on that matter .
14 If A has been disturbed in his possession by a trespass committed by B , or even if B has deprived A of possession , A's claim to legal protection or redress against B can not be met by B's plea that C and not A is the true owner .
15 Labour 's promissory notes can not be met by a scale of personal taxation which will become increasingly regressive .
16 The educational needs of people engaged in rural development action can not be met by present provisions .
17 to produce reliable , maintainable software , the performance of which can be evaluated against the Statement of User Requirements , where any of the major text handling requirements of the project can not be met by the use of standard packaged software .
18 The key criteria are that a person has a range of needs that can not be met by one agency alone and his or her ability to live independently is in jeopardy .
19 How can they develop a coherent strategy for residential care in general if the needs of dementing elderly people and their carers can not be met by more positive and appropriate patterns of care ?
20 Some kinds of social need may not be met by the state because the groups involved are too small or too unpopular for politicians to be prepared to incur displeasure helping them alcoholics , drug addicts or battered women .
21 In 1989 Brazil faced a critical shortage of fuel alcohol , used to run more than a quarter of passenger cars , because the rise in demand ( 48 per cent since 1985 ) could not be met by the stagnating production of sugar cane .
22 On July 10 , 1990 , the government announced that as a result of its decision to withdraw subsidies " for commodities in ever-growing demand that can not be met by home production " it would ( i ) almost double the price of fuel ; ( ii ) increase the price of luxury goods , newspapers and books ; and ( iii ) double the price of mineral water .
23 In our view the need for adequate management of Campaigns and of Personnel will not be met by the present proposal .
24 If the true cost of providing a class can not be met by the students , application for a grant may be made to the Local Authority or the Sports Council .
25 At the outset the willingness of George 's parents to cooperate with the school staff in discussing the home situation and how this might affect George 's behaviour in school was used by the teaching staff as evidence in support of their case that George 's needs could not be met within a mainstream school .
26 It also recommended that children whose needs could not be met within the resources of the ordinary school should have a record ( which came to be called a ‘ statement ’ ) of their special educational needs drawn up by a multi-professional team .
27 where there is a demonstrable need for a certain grade of coal which can not be met from deep mines , and
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