Example sentences of "not on the ground " in BNC.

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1 If the flat only has one entrance/exit ( which it will because it is not on the ground floor ) , it should have a fire escape , or some means of escape over a balcony or roof .
2 ‘ It 's not on the ground .
3 He refused all these , ‘ not on the ground that he was not employed to go there , but on the basis that he thought the opportunity of earning overtime was not good ’ .
4 These days the term is used either as the first time you kick the ball AND its not on the ground , or even just that the ball is off the ground .
5 Thus we might wish to teach a particular structure or word meaning not on the grounds of frequency of occurrence but because its acquisition provides a basis for the learner to understand and learn other structures or meanings by extension .
6 This would be asking rather more of the social security system than exists under the present arrangements , for this payment would be made , not on the grounds of ‘ need ’ as with existing Supplementary Benefits ( SB ) , nor on grounds of compensation , as with ICA , nor on the grounds of purchased ‘ rights ’ as in the case of insurance benefits , but on grounds of work carried out .
7 Blyth Valley objected to this , not on the grounds that industrial land was being used for non-manufacturing purposes , but because it wanted the site retained as a green belt .
8 Frequently , this orthographic evidence for variation in Middle English is rejected not on the grounds that the scribe was literally an Anglo-Norman ( which is what Skeat argued ) , but that uses such as variable h are originally scribal importations from French or Latin usage .
9 Had it been grown there expressly for the purpose of alluring cattle to their destruction , the defendant would have been liable , not on the grounds of Rylands v. Fletcher , but because he would have been in the position of one who deliberately sets traps baited with flesh in order to attract and catch dogs which are otherwise not trespassing at all .
10 Population regulation , however , if it has any advantage at all , can only be a long-term one ; it must therefore be a consequence of individual decisions to emigrate , taken on the grounds that conditions will be better elsewhere , not on the grounds that the population level must be kept down in order for the local resources to be conserved .
11 In Dekker the employer had tried to argue that the refusal to hire was not on the grounds of pregnancy but on the ground of adverse financial consequences the firm could not pay for a replacement during the period of maternity leave needed by Ms Dekker and as a result the firm would be short-staffed .
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