Example sentences of "not easily be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The problem is sufficiently acute that its political implications can not easily be ignored .
2 More religious thinker than systematic theologian ( more a Luther than a Calvin ) , Wesley 's ideas can not easily be defined , although his faith was clearly based upon personal experience rather than intellectual conviction .
3 The issues associated with climate change present a much greater , but apparently less immediate , challenge to global management , and the inconclusive outcome of the 1992 Earth Summit suggests that this challenge will not easily be met .
4 It was on several different levels and had large rooms which could not easily be split .
5 It is more probable that in most cases , the relative contributions to the final research of student and supervisor could not easily be separated .
6 As can be seen from the above two examples , the process of discriminating between words can not easily be separated from the process of integrating lexical access with other levels .
7 Although these theories could not easily be deployed in the ‘ real ’ world , they did serve a valuable purpose as condensations of patterns of thought about the media .
8 New research into the underlying duodenal mucosal defect is required and since the basic science of duodenal ulcer can not easily be studied in man , an animal model of chronic duodenal ulcer is required .
9 The reason for this specialization is our need to understand this specific and unique method of accounting which can not easily be understood from a commercial accounting perspective .
10 Social security can not easily be cut , as expenditure there is determined in part by demographic trends , such as rising numbers of old people , and economic trends , such as rising unemployment .
11 What is more , much of government expenditure is committed a long time in advance and can not easily be cut .
12 This is not a problem while the book 's owner still lives , but on his death the spell book becomes a source of uncontrolled power that can not easily be defused .
13 The advantage of telling the story to the group is that a group of sufferers from the same disease can not easily be fooled , nor can they be harshly judgemental .
14 This can take the form of assessing the situation or bringing into consideration other factors ( political climate , human values , competitors ' stance ) which can not easily be quantified .
15 Yet in a liberal democracy , such a declaration can not easily be made ; indeed the opposite must be proclaimed .
16 Perhaps it is not unexpected that simple correlation can not easily be made between different parts of the world in view of the advent of the theory of plate tectonics because of the amount of movement associated with the displacement of plates .
17 As electronic records represent a new resource their location and the descriptions of the data they contain can not easily be made accessible .
18 Secondly , an individual post-hole can not easily be assigned to any particular building phase , since any datable artefact found within it could either pre-date or post-date the structure for which the hole was dug .
19 It thus came about that , during the process of a boy 's adjustment to public school , two very powerful and not very compatible needs — the need for power and the need for love — were grossly stimulated , in an environment where their satisfaction could not easily be assigned to the usual separate compartments of life .
20 There is no restriction in the definition to persons who can not easily be traced .
21 Another problem arose in 1916 , which can not easily be explained without reference to the proposed ‘ Home Rule ’ in Ireland that had developed under the government of Asquith which introduced the Home Rule Act 1914 .
22 This staggering figure could not easily be explained away .
23 Even among the industrial economies there are vast differences which can not easily be explained .
24 How such prosperity came about , however , can not easily be explained .
25 In our study bone densities were not uniformly low at all sites , and fractures can not easily be explained by the use of steroids or disease activity .
26 What has come to his rescue is an altogether subtler kind of ideas and information-limitation whose effectiveness is , if anything , enhanced by the fact that it can not easily be explained in terms of conspiracies and blunt propaganda .
27 The discrepancy with this latter study and our present results can not easily be explained .
28 The finding of enhanced fasting gastrin concentrations in H pylori positive subjects and in duodenal ulcer disease can not easily be explained .
29 The finger pointed at education could not easily be pushed aside , particularly at a time when the period of education had been extended and the school population , on both sides of the Atlantic , was beginning to diminish factors which should have favoured significant improvement .
30 The Council became a genuinely learning process , and once the name of the game had been defined as aggiornamento , once ecumenical understanding and co-operation with other Christians had been moved from the presupposition of ‘ dangerous ’ to that of ‘ Christian ’ and ‘ highly desirable ’ , there developed for a while a new logic which could not easily be denied .
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