Example sentences of "not believe [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In not believing such relations to be wrong , conservatives are going against the whole ethos of the modern world , in which it has increasingly come to be held that humans should be treated as equals .
2 It was agreed that the paper should be redrafted and circulated , and that any published statements of policy should make it clear Conservatives ‘ did not believe additional resources alone to be the answer to law and order problems , but that the humanizing of our society had an important contribution to make ’ .
3 Do not believe one word of what your mother says about Whangdoodles and Hornswogglers and Snozzwanglers and Vermicious Knids and the Terrible Bloodsuckling Toothpluckling Stonechuckling Spittler .
4 When I tell the girls , I thought , they 'll not believe one word of this .
5 Even now , a year before the deciding vote , he does not believe that sport here understands what getting the Games would mean .
6 Peter Archer QC , the former Attorney-General , argued that : ‘ I do not believe that Parliament ever decided , on the merits , to retain capital punishment for treason and piracy . ’
7 I do not believe that licensing shops , for example , would help in practice .
8 if p were not true , a would not believe that p .
9 It does not believe that blanket measures to reduce overall consumption , for example higher taxes or restrictions on availability , would lead to a reduction in alcohol misuse .
10 I do not believe that altruism , good neighbourliness or even the visions of Jean Monnet have been the motivation behind the EC but simply hard-headed self interest .
11 I can not believe that Access genuinely charge interest on repaid money , which means that his bill was a cock-up and the brass-faced hussy at Southend was a liar .
12 Family members at his funeral said they do not believe official accounts .
13 I can not believe middle-aged women feel this rage .
14 While they still maintain feminist art history should raise ‘ fundamental questions for art history as a humanist discipline ’ , they do not believe feminist art history should be confined to the documentation of women artists ( as a form of additive history ) .
15 I do not believe those powers would be of use My Lords I er take the view that they would not have been abused by past Home Secretaries , no not by men like the late Tutor Reed or the Noble Lord Jenkins or the Noble Lord Callaghan , they would not be abused today by my Right Honourable Friend Mr Howard , I doubt if they would be abused by Mr Blair should he at some time become Home Secretary and I think we 're becoming slightly attached to an artificial argument that somehow or the other there is great respect for the local authorities , but which is not extended to the National Institutions of Government and to the Home Office and the Home Secretary .
16 Still , I do not believe these scenes of cruelty are there to titillate or entertain .
17 Do not believe any articles you may read that are written by restaurateurs , professional chefs or cordon bleu cooks about either soufflés , profiteroles , or flambés being the simplest thing in the world .
18 Mr Barnett said he did not believe any rules of racing had been broken , so he did not believe the Jockey Club could hold a disciplinary hearing .
19 This young woman , however , did not believe this course of action would solve anything .
20 Let me advise Council now , that if they proceed down this primrose path any further then it becomes a resignation issue for me and , I suspect , many others who can not believe this farrago .
21 ‘ I do not believe urban barbarism is about to engulf us .
22 The August issue of RISC Management warns its readers not to believe any Intel Corp hype about the P5 being 64-bit .
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