Example sentences of "not for [art] purpose " in BNC.

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1 In this case it appears that the bolts have been placed , not for the purpose of protection , but to create an artificial gangway .
2 not for the purpose of repining that they had been deprived of the important blessings of hearing and speech , but to manifest their love and gratitude to God for all those other things He permitted them to enjoy . ’
3 Of course , one has to be careful in this context to recognise that many of the infractions I 'm referring to are not necessarily offences AGAINST others — but represent errors of performance , imperfections which reflect badly on the offender — so that one undertakes remedial work , NOT for the purpose of making amends but to re-draw the picture of oneself so that it corresponds more closely to the one which one would like to project to the world at large .
4 Mr. Philipson , relying on the final paragraph of the notice itself quoted above , and upon a minute textual analysis of Mr. Barnes ' affidavit , submitted that it was plain that the real purpose of the Bank of England was to obtain the documents for the Federal Reserve Board , and not for the purpose of exercising its own supervisory function .
5 This rule has now been relaxed so as to permit reports of commissioners , including law commissioners , and white papers to be looked at for the purpose solely of ascertaining the mischief which the statute is intended to cure but not for the purpose of discovering the meaning of the words used by Parliament to effect such cure : Eastman Photographic Materials Co . Ltd. v. Comptroller-General of Patents , Designs and Trademarks [ 1898 ] A.C. 571 and Assam Railways and Trading Co . Ltd. v. Commissioners of Inland Revenue [ 1935 ] A.C. 445 , 457–458 .
6 Payments made ex gratia or as compensation for loss of office by the vendor of the business will not usually be deductible by the vendor because they are made in connection with the discontinuance of the trade and not for the purpose of enabling the company to carry on its trade .
7 Note also that a person domiciled in the Channel Islands can benefit from owning the assets specified in s6(3) by virtue of s267(2) although the relief in s48(4) only applies for the purposes of s6(2) and not for the purpose of s6(3) .
8 Without in any way making light of the distress of the parents of Tony Bland , it is very important to keep a firm hold of the fact that Tony himself was not reported to be in any pain or distress ; so any change in the treatment he was receiving was not for the purpose of relieving acute suffering of the patient .
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