Example sentences of "this [is] [art] question " in BNC.

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1 From the perspective of functionalism ( and from the perspective of other materialist theories also ) , however , this is a question for science rather than an imponderable problem of metaphysics .
2 This is a question I have often asked .
3 Rainoldes apart , the transgressions associated with the boy players , be they actual or imagined , rendered the theatrical self-consciousness surrounding transvestism complex and shifting ; it provoked questions teasingly unanswerable : for example — and this is a question which remains intriguing for us today — which , or how many , of the several gender identities embodied in any one figure are in play at any one time ?
4 This is a question of people 's personal decisions .
5 The distribution of work between the divisions of that court is only a matter of convenience ; the Queen 's Bench Division can never say ‘ here a matter of Equity is involved ; we can not decide it ’ , or the Chancery Division ‘ this is a question of Common Law ; you ought to have gone to a Common Law Court ’ .
6 Partly this is a question of class .
7 This is a question SAVE has repeatedly had to consider .
8 This is a question which animals never need to ask .
9 Ultimately this is a question as to the proper limits of self-determination , as well as turning on the specific lucidity of the individual patient .
10 This is a question which many have asked who seek the path of inner understanding .
11 This is a question of balance — in some cases literally !
12 This is a question on which I do not vet have a view .
13 Essentially this is a question of how the ‘ inside ’ articulates with the ‘ outside ’ .
14 Perhaps this is a question all potential Members should ask is whether their party intend to replace this farce with a more constructive alternative .
15 The reason for this is a question of aesthetics , but it is true , nonetheless .
16 This is a question that is often asked when planning home extensions , particularly when space is limited .
17 This is a question which we in the West need to ask ourselves , for too often we identify the self with the body , or feeling or thinking or consciousness .
18 This is a question of fact for the court to decide and therefore it is essential for the prosecution to show that the conditions seriously reduced the ability of the driver to see other vehicles etc .
19 He was backed by Labour 's George Miles who said : ‘ This is not a party political matter , this is a question of whether you are a Philistine or not . ’
20 This is a question that only you , or an adviser who knows your personal circumstances , can answer .
21 we do not think that this is a question which can be left to the Commission to solve , solely within the Supplementary Benefits scheme .
22 This is a question first of whether some forms of regulatory frameworks are superior to others and then of whether any form of regulation is worthwhile .
23 Er this is a , this is a question concerning something which is not mentioned here , which I think should have been .
24 This is a question to be considered in the round , and nothing is gained by the introduction of shifting burdens of proof , which serves only to break down into formal steps what is in reality a single appreciation of what is or is not unfair .
25 This is a question which should probably be considered by sociolinguists working in cities with a demographic structure of the kind described .
26 If you have access to a camera this is a question you should think about carefully .
27 This is a this is a question we very often get asked , why do they sell a thirteen amp fuse with a thirteen amp plug if it only wants a five amp in ?
28 As we shall discuss in the next chapter , this is a question that has concerned pluralists much more .
29 At the present day this is a question more easily asked than answered .
30 This is a question , I think , of difficulty .
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