Example sentences of "this [is] [art] problem " in BNC.

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1 If this is a problem , however , it is one the novel shares with many of the novels we now read .
2 And all of this is a problem facing the new actor coming out of training .
3 This is a problem which may be solved in Government time , ’ he said .
4 But this is a problem which can be lived with because mutations in a test-tube population come in hundreds rather than thousands of billions .
5 Yet this is a problem that needs to be faced , because the reading of Brief Encounter that I have outlined reintroduces into the critical game that most awkward of players — the historical , flesh-and-blood person of the author .
6 This is a problem which the band themselves could easily solve by restructuring their media policy .
7 This is a problem whether the transsexual is operated on or not , but is seen in greater relief if he is not .
8 This is a problem in many countries , but in ex-colonial countries in this region prejudice against vocational skills is particularly strong because it formed part of the discriminatory policy of white regimes .
9 If this is a problem , be sure to use a good lubricant like KY Jelly ( available at every chemist as far as I am aware ) .
10 This is a problem yet to be resolved .
11 Men in particular may find this is a problem when the idea still persists that being able to hold your alcohol proves what a great guy you are .
12 This is a problem that is easily overlooked when viewing a property , and can be a genuine problem in the future .
13 Not that this is a problem — Blue Baron does n't claim any degree of realism , and should n't be graded like a flight sim .
14 This is a problem which seems to affect a considerable number of men in their forties and fifties , at a time when there may be a good deal of pressure on them at work and at home .
15 This is a problem for secured creditors who may wish to vote .
16 This is a problem that we will have to deal with urgently , not least because slow service in responding to complaints affects the reputation of our profession .
17 This is a problem with which Bible translators constantly have to battle .
18 I do n't see the SAS stopping its campaigning until the sewage problem is completely dealt with — the good thing is that this is a problem that does have a solution .
19 This is a problem .
20 This is a problem not only conceptually ( it is pointless duplicating the information ) , but also from a practical point of view .
21 This is a problem inherent in any subject in which the brightest colours belong to the distant parts of the picture 's spatial structure .
22 This is a problem which again requires the utmost tact and diplomacy , for one can never be sure of the reaction of a guest on hearing sad news .
23 Most research would suggest that this is a problem of employment , a failure to satisfy the goals the employee is seeking .
24 I do not think that this is a problem in the German-speaking world .
25 This is a problem that greatly exercised the Royal Commissions and the Northern Ireland review body on local government .
26 This is a problem both in its own right , and because it reflects the relative lack of all forms of power that women have in contemporary Britain .
27 This is a problem that rightfully belongs to the subject of the electrical properties of materials , so I can not say very much about it .
28 This is a problem for plants because they already have fewer daylight hours in which to manufacture their food , and can not grow at all if the temperature falls below 6 degrees Celsius .
29 Well , this is a problem we have basically because again , your your media etcetera is male dominated erm everything we come across in in our line is male dominated so we have got to break down these barriers and it is n't easy to do !
30 Since a very wide range of personal characteristics and behaviours have been found to co-vary with social class , this is a problem of social research generally , by no means unique to sociolinguistics .
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