Example sentences of "are met [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The important point is this : is the use of an overseas company like Sterling ( where inquiries about the real ownership of shareholdings in threatened companies are met with a polite but firm snub ) acceptable within a legalframework trying to ensure fair play ?
2 My protests are met with a simple choice .
3 Questions about the products suitability for use with forthcoming Apple products are met with a degree of silence reminiscent of a Trappist monk but the general assurance is that the product is ‘ future proof ’ , at least so far as Apple is concerned .
4 If evaluation is defined as assessing how effectively needs are met at a given cost , then precise identification of needs is obviously paramount , as the Guideline on Evaluation notes , most emphatically : ‘ Without proper identification of need , evaluation is meaningless ’ .
5 Society has accepted responsibility for seeing that their needs are met in a piecemeal fashion , tackling the most obvious needs first — those for financial provision , medical care and residential accommodation .
6 I 've scoured the the technical professional press to find out if there is some general statement which sums up what sustainability means , and the one which I 've seen most commonly referred to , I think , and the government has used it in this way , is a requirement to ensure the needs of the present generation are met in a way which does not prejudice future generations , now I do not believe that a properly conceived and located new settlement is any less sustainable in the long term that other forms of urban growth , and by properly conceived I 've got to say I believe that to mean properly balanced er form of development for the new settlement , and I think I would say that new settlements have usually been proposed because continued infilling , like the the normal forms of accommodating further development requirements , infill , and peripheral development , have been determined in York context not to be sustainable , the sorts of issues which arise as a result erm of additional development in or on the edge of York and the surrounding villages , problems of additional congestion , loss of green space in towns , loss of employment opportunities and so on .
7 When the steamboat touches the pier , you are met by a throng of canvassers from the hotels and private lodging-house keepers , and not a few of the holiday residents , who look out eagerly , in the hope of mayhap meeting friend or acquaintance or notable traveller .
8 The USSR 's essential military needs are met by a network of bilateral treaties entered into years before the founding of the WTO : treaties which have been supplemented by similar agreements between the individual East European countries and renewed at periodic intervals over the years .
9 However , an arrangement where the trader 's losses are met by a third party , not for commercial reasons but solely to encourage the trader to keep trading , is not legitimate .
10 Erm you 've got this , this business of threatening to attack the Serbian guns erm involves of course the decisions of individual governments whether or not they 're prepared to allow their forces to be involved , in the case of the British whether you 're going to allow your forces to get involved in it or not , but in international terms it involves both NATO , which has now passed a resolution saying unless certain conditions are met by a certain time , then there will be bombing of the Serbian positions but the people on the ground , whether they originally came from France or the Ukraine or from Britain , are in fact under the blue beret of the United Nations and the United Nations and NATO are not altogether , they 're not precisely together on this issue .
11 Even now , visitors crossing the hallowed threshold of the Treasury are met by an individual wearing a name badge .
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