Example sentences of "are carried [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 These materials are highly complicated and important fluids which play a great part in the direction of the ways in which our bodies and minds function ; they are known as hormones , and are carried around in the bloodstream exercising effect on each other and on a variety of bodily processes .
2 As most drift-netting operations are carried out in international waters where little or no international agreements are in force , it is extremely difficult to control this destruction of life on the high seas , or even to get an accurate picture of its magnitude .
3 This system is streets ahead of the slap-happy way tests are carried out in the UK , where the whole system of hip dysplasia testing is open to abuse .
4 Thus you discover what tasks are to be performed and how they are carried out in order to create a picture of what the person will actually do in the job .
5 Sensitivity at the outset far outweighs a full routine of complicated strokes if they are carried out in a mechanical and impersonal manner .
6 As previous research into juvenile delinquency has found , spare time activities are carried out in groups .
7 All the processes other than the actual embroidery are carried out in the numerous ‘ embroidery factories ’ , most of which are located in Funchal .
8 These last projects are carried out in collaboration with the BGS Hydrogeology Group .
9 Schregle 's ( 1981 ) approach to this basic problem of what is comparable in cross-national studies is to compare the methods and ways in which particular industrial relations functions are carried out in various countries , rather than simply comparing institutions and procedures carrying the same designation .
10 Economic models are particularly useful since millions of daily transactions are carried out in the real world and so some means must be found of expressing the essential characteristics of the problem at hand .
11 If deals made by such persons are carried out in ‘ good faith ’ then , notwithstanding the fact that they constitute an offence under the CSA 1985 , the transaction is exempt .
12 When the multiplications are carried out in the order indicated , the upper Hessenberg form is maintained throughout , If , however , we begin by multiplying the central three matrices , the upper Hessenberg form is lost , with a accompanying loss of simplicity .
13 On one hand , the multinationals with their headquarters in the UK increasingly organize their worldwide production to gain the benefit of cheap labour in the Third World to carry out those parts of the manufacturing process that are labour-intensive , while the parts that are capital-intensive or rely on skilled techniques such as design are carried out in the UK .
14 Observations and experiments are carried out in order to test or shed light on some theory , and only those observations considered relevant to that task should be recorded .
15 It was previously observed that CytR has a strong tendency to bind non-specifically to the DNA in gel retardation assays that are carried out in low ionic strength electrophoresis buffer ( 6 ) .
16 This method of organisation occurs when similar activities are carried out in widely different locations .
17 Remember that it is these kinds of tests that are carried out in conventional ( econometric ) tests of economic theories .
18 These reactions are carried out in flowing low-pressure gas streams .
19 Current powers do not allow for searches that are based on a policeman 's hunch that someone may be carrying an illicit article , or for blanket searches that are carried out in a particular area or among particular groups .
20 Humiliating medical and literacy tests are carried out in recruitment centres .
21 Many research projects are carried out in collaboration with other universities and companies ( both local and international ) .
22 Such operations are carried out in Treasury bills , of one or more specified ( usually short ) maturities .
23 The landlord should be responsible for ensuring that the works are carried out in accordance with the building documents and if there are any variations , it must either have them corrected or obtain the tenant 's consent to their remaining .
24 that can be used for actually doing , doing the recycling on each of those , and and I would like to say that that this , this report had been erm prepared jointly by officers of the Transportation Department who were responsible for the operational side and wi and the officers and regulation side of , of the Authority Planning Environment Department and therefore the comments in the air have been shared between erm both sides er what I would like to say is that as well as the recycling activities which are carried out in our household waste facilities of glass , paper , waste - oil , etc. , er there are we have in the last twelve months started two initiatives which I think will fall in into erm the , the first part - composting .
25 As stated above , investment decisions are carried out in accordance with the broad policy set out in the trust deed , but the limits of the investment policy are in turn delineated by the following conditions ( LAUTRO ) :
26 The final area of regulation is through Recognised Investment Exchanges ( RIEs ) and Recognised Clearing Houses ( RCHs ) , through which securities transactions are carried out in order to be able to monitor investor protection more effectively .
27 In the Middle East and Latin American countries , business discussions are carried out in very close proximity , involving physical contact , which many Western salespeople find strange .
28 The controversial foetal cell transplants are carried out in other parts of the world too .
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