Example sentences of "are based [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They are based at the North East Hampshire Water Activity Centre in Fleet , and the telephone number for more information or to make bookings is Trix Davey on 0252 621381 .
2 Many , but not all , of those above the line are based at the bigger aerodromes with concrete/asphalt runway(s) , which often means higher rents , rates and landing-fees .
3 Both are based at the Hemel Hempstead offices .
4 The administration offices are based at The telephone numbers are .
5 At present 12 firms are based at the centre but the management is keen to stress its ‘ open-door ’ policy for the small business based elsewhere .
6 The problem with the conclusions in both sets of experiments is that they are based on the assumption that we can infer when an experience occurs from a subject 's verbal report .
7 The questions it asks ( directly or indirectly ) are based on the regular enquiries received by various personnel at ACE from the wide variety of people who contact us , as suggested above .
8 The usual ways can be seen in any class-room and are based on the four movements dictated by the natural anatomical structure of the body , namely : to bend ( contract ) , stretch ( relax ) , rise ( raise ) , turn ( rotate ) .
9 Moreover , the important , though limited , concessions to the unions which Neil Kinnock has now made , are based on the false premise that current legislation is unbalanced and unfair and renders effective strike action impossible .
10 Cash figures are based on the employee receiving £50 net of tax and national insurance .
11 Western efforts to keep criminal money out of the banking system are based on the premise that banks can identify their customers , even when they act through nominees .
12 Such grants are based on the Statute of Monopolies 1623 , which , while in general prohibiting the grant of monopolies , made an exception in favour of patents ‘ for the term of fourteen years or under for the sole working or making of any manner of new manufactures within the realm to the true and first inventor or inventors of such manufactures , which others at the time of making such letters patent and grants shall not use ’ .
13 The computer did not plan an Agnes or a Paul , but only a prototype known as a human being , giving rise to a large number of specimens which are based on the original model and have n't any individual essence .
14 Matt Martin 's Texel shearling rams are based on the French type .
15 These are not at all original or exotic but are based on the ordinary things that most people tend to eat .
16 Some are based on the total number of dies observed in the sample .
17 Some are based on the number of dies occurring with only one specimen , the number with two , the number with three , and so on .
18 The expeditions are based on the ethos of ‘ Challenge , Participation and Environment ’ , and strong emphasis is also placed on teamwork and leadership .
19 The main problem is understood to be the difficulty of avoiding the impression that the principal characters are based on the real Royal family .
20 These are based on the idea of choosing a sound ( unbiased ) analytical technique and establishing that the performance of the analytical system , once it is set up , meets predefined accuracy requirements .
21 Rational approaches are based on the assumption that organisations have clear objectives and resource allocation is organised in a systematic way to facilitate the achievement of those objectives .
22 Process or expectancy theories of motivation are based on the premise that people are motivated by the expected outcomes of their actions .
23 Many businesses , including large and successful ones , are based on the personal relations of clientelism .
24 As we shall see , many but not all liberal theories of political freedom are based on the endorsement of one or another of several principles of restraint , of which the principle of neutrality is one .
25 Sixties author Todd Gitlin , appalled , wrote a piece called ‘ The end of the age of Aquarius ’ , in which he asked : ‘ If there is so much bad acid around why does n't this contaminated culture , many of whose claims are based on the virtues of drugs , help its own brothers and sisters ?
26 Their courses are based on the BHS and National Vocational Qualifications ( NVQ ) standards , which will certainly complement your practical training for these exams , although you do not have to work towards taking any exams to follow any of the courses .
27 The interest rates for Treasurer 's Deposits are based on the City of London money market rates .
28 The figures in the table are based on the assumption that you are acceptable at the ordinary rates of premium .
29 The figures in this table are based on the assumption that you are acceptable at the ordinary rates of premium .
30 Many of the complaints relate to ‘ copy plan ’ agreements under which charges are based on the number of copies made .
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