Example sentences of "are taking [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the third year , honours students with German as their major subject spend a minimum of eight months in a German-speaking country , either as a student , or as a part-time assistant in a school , or , if they are taking a joint degree , most probably attending courses at a university .
2 This is because such schemes are taking a long time to get off the ground and because employers generally recruit from non-local networks ( see also Ladbury and Mira-Smith in this volume ) .
3 So I think we are actually obliged , and it 's right that people should be consulted , but there is a point about it that it takes an awful long time and that is actually the reason why we 've got er a whole programme of urban safety management schemes that er are taking a long time to develop , it 's almost two years now , and the main reason for that is toing and froing with different designs with members of the public and the worst thing we could do is actually put in a package of schemes which people say , well that 's not what we wanted anyway .
4 Those hyacinths in the cauldron are taking a long time to come out are n't they ?
5 Those hyacinths in the corner are taking a long time to come out , are n't they ?
6 Of course , Mr Nakamura could not have done it without a lot of help from his staff : two of them resigned with him and all other executives are taking a six month pay cut of between 20 per cent and 50 per cent .
7 Opponents of plans for a £2m entertainment complex at Seaton Carew , near Hartlepool , have welcomed the news that Department of the Environment officials are taking a close look at the proposal .
8 But when apparatchiks from Central Office , who have us acting as stewards ( ie , usherettes ) are often seen risking life and limb , SAS-style , in order to arrive at a doorway at the same time as a minister does , they are taking a serious risk with morale .
9 Under increasing public pressure , farmers are taking a greater interest in free-range systems which give a fairer deal to farm animals .
10 It would appear that the Americans are taking a greater interest in the matter , especially with the problems in Bosnia .
11 Many determined publishers and printers from the USA , Germany , Italy and France are taking a keen interest in this enigmatic country and in the limitless market , trying to decide how best to break into this Klondike .
12 DANISH farmers are taking a keen interest in outdoor pig production .
13 In the present economic climate , I feel we are taking a backward step to the bad old days .
14 So DREADCO endocrinologists are taking a regular sequence of blood samples from a panel of female volunteers .
15 By considering the intergenerational transmission process , and by focusing on the equilibrium properties of the distribution , we are taking a long-term view .
16 This means that you would be wise not to set your heart on one career but to keep options open , even if you are taking a vocational course .
17 Never feel uncomfortable warning people you encounter halfway up a mountain who are dressed for the beach that they are taking a great risk proceeding without extra clothing and food .
18 ‘ The selectors are taking a great interest in Irish golf simply because the better players are coming out of this island .
19 American producers are taking a great interest in her , and her career is sure to take off whether or not she wins the coveted statuette .
20 ‘ We are taking a positive approach and our attitude is not that there might be problems . ’
21 Well , here we are taking a longer view .
22 Precise figures are hard to come by , because many European discount chains are privately owned , but no one doubts that they are taking a growing share of the $140 billion or so that Europeans spend on food each year .
23 Sound public relations demands you know why you are taking a particular course of action .
24 ULSTER education chiefs are taking a giant hi-tech firm to court to seek more than £1m compensation over an alleged computers bungle .
25 Although we are taking a whole day to film it , it will only occupy thirty five seconds of real time .
26 We are taking a leading role in recasting all the main international institutions to which we belong : the United Nations , the European Community , NATO , and the Commonwealth .
27 BRITISH tourists are taking a double pounding with their holiday money , it was revealed yesterday .
28 The loss could well be considerably higher , particularly if you are male or heavily overweight ; but over-high expectations can be just as demoralizing as very slow weight loss , so we are taking a restrained attitude .
29 The top three Fujitsu executives are taking a 35 p.c. reduction , while 29 others will see a 15 p.c. to 20 p.c. cut .
30 Some are reluctantly accumulating properties in the hope that prices will firm up later this year ; others are taking the best prices they can get , without waiting .
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