Example sentences of "are suffering from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Specially trained BT staff will also be on hand to advise those who are suffering from nuisance calls , and it is intended that self-help groups will be set up by people who have been victims themselves .
2 If you feel you are suffering from harassment and would like some advice , please check the noticeboard in your workplace where the names and telephone numbers of contact officers should be displayed .
3 If you feel that you are lacking in energy , and are feeling tired and listless , it may be that you are suffering from anaemia , which can be remedied by iron tablets ( your doctor can give you a simple blood test to check for anaemia ) .
4 Friedman points out that in this economy , workers are suffering from money illusion : they believe that real wages are rising when in fact both money wages and prices are rising , leaving real wages unchanged .
5 The people , on the other hand , are suffering from famine at a time when the patricians are hoarding the grain-harvest but are themselves easily manipulated by the Tribunes .
6 The animals , along with foxes and baby hedgehogs , are suffering from dehydration because they simply ca n't find enough to drink .
7 Doubts remain over the fitness of striker Ian Baird and midfielder Derek Ferguson , both of whom are suffering from hamstring injuries .
8 You need restful sleep for any study and this does not happen if you are suffering from stress .
9 Er but the fact that people can sue their employers if they are suffering from stress , is a reality in the States .
10 Obviously , if you have a heavy cold , a headache , are suffering from lack of sleep or are jet lagged , you should not be flying .
11 The core businesses are still profitable , but are suffering from lack of investment , McErlain said .
12 Mr and Mrs Grainger now plan to establish the association in Helen 's name to provide support , comfort and information to people whose relatives are suffering from cancer .
13 Mr and Mrs Grainger now plan to establish the association in Helen 's name to provide support , comfort and information to people whose relatives are suffering from cancer .
14 One in ten of all patients seen by GPs are suffering from anxiety .
15 Many , if not most , good teachers are suffering from fatigue and innovation stress ; almost all teachers in state schools are profoundly resentful at the way that they and their schools have been made the scapegoats for the ills of society .
16 This Part of this Act shall have effect with a view to securing the observance of proper hours … of work by persons engaged in the carriage of passengers or goods by road and thereby protecting the public against the risks which arise in cases where the drivers of motor vehicles are suffering from fatigue .
17 Cycling up Snowdon — the mountain and surrounding area are suffering from footpath erosion and building work
18 Children have been born deformed and there are fears of genetic defects ; many adults are suffering from wasting diseases .
19 ‘ We have a few big employers who are always asked for money , but they are suffering from donor fatigue , ’ says Paul Johnson , regional director for Business in the Community .
20 Most patients who are suffering from alcoholism have considerable personal and social difficulties in addition .
21 Well as the speaker before last mentioned , men are in fact diagnosed twice as often as women are suffering from alcoholism .
22 More than 930 local people in the Techa River area , where nuclear waste was dumped in the 1950s , are suffering from radiation sickness .
23 He concludes that they are suffering from fame displacement reversal syndrome , and hints that he had a pretty bloody awful childhood himself .
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