Example sentences of "are not confine [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These difficulties are most obvious in America , but they are not confined to it .
2 Of course cliques centred on ministers are not confined to Nonconformists and Spurgeon 's plain speaking was in the tradition of Bunyan and before him of generations of mediaeval preachers .
3 Simply by putting relatively isolated community groups together Highlander is able to convey a sense of purpose to these groups which springs from the confidence gained by the realisation that their problems are not confined to themselves , nor in most cases caused by any deficiency or fault of their own , but are rather due to outside forces of oppression which are also being used against other people in other communities .
4 They are not confined to Latin America , nor even to the LDCs , as they represent a common response to some of the problems of contemporary capitalism .
5 The lesions are not confined to the genitalia , although they are most often found there , but are also seen on the thighs , perineum , and buttocks .
6 Acidity and ochre formation , triggered by the lowering of the water-table , are not confined to traditional wetlands .
7 Hawaiian-type eruptions are not confined to Hawaii , although in few other areas are fire fountains quite so beautifully developed .
8 In the ‘ haute montagne ’ and ‘ montagne ’ zones the retirement annuity is 15,000FF ( £1,304 ) per annum and maximum payments are not confined to those releasing farmland for public use , afforestation or to development plan farmers as they are in the UK .
9 This conduct only becomes a nuisance when the consequence of his acts are not confined to his own land but extend on to his neighbour 's land .
10 Nevertheless , the problems of reactivating obsolete technology are not confined to 78s .
11 THE HORRORS OF chemical warfare are not confined to the laboratories of military scientists .
12 But these eye-spot displays are not confined to harmless species .
13 Contributors are not confined to University historians , however .
14 These fantasies are not confined to Britain .
15 Expert systems are not confined to the research establishments/academia , they are a mature and practical technology capable of boosting performance in a number of important areas within such organisations .
16 However , dramatic recoveries are not confined to the reptilian world .
17 Disputes between the state and the peasantry over the use of common land are not confined to colonial societies .
18 The Flashman incident may be the lowest point to which those who run our football clubs have descended but the shenanigans , admittedly not with fisticuffs as an accompaniment , are not confined to north London .
19 Interesting buildings are not confined to the ancient , ornate or foreign ; we are shown that there are plenty of ideas on our own doorstep !
20 ( Sometimes occupational unions , which are not confined to apprentice-served workers , are seen as a form of craft union . )
21 In many if not most industries where simulators are used the benefits to training are not confined to dynamic system control and fault diagnosis .
22 Waves are not confined to single cells but can travel from cell to cell through two separate mechanisms .
23 The state is simply the agency which buttresses and consolidates the rules and institutions of exclusion , which are not confined to class and educational credentials , but in particular societies may also include racial , religious , ethnic , and gender-based forms of exploitation .
24 Such innovative schemes are not confined to the United States .
25 Close affiliative relations between firms are not confined to single level subcontracting but are typical of a hierarchical network of connections at several stages removed from the largest firms .
26 We recommend that future project initiatives of this kind should give much more thought to the structures and procedures , both within project schools and at the level of overall planning and coordination which are required to ensure that initiatives are not confined to a particular time period or grant , and that the inservice implications of good practice resulting from the project are capitalised upon .
27 Such aspirations , and such a view of the inter-relationship of librarians and educators , are not confined to this side of the Atlantic .
28 However , prejudices are not confined to fascism .
29 Indigenous styles are quite as shamelessly exploited , for they are not confined to Gothic but include Saxon , Norman , Tudor , Elizabethan , and Baronial .
30 Secrets are not confined to the great houses of antiquity : Mr Merdle in Little Dorrit has his own new secrets , and is uneasy beneath the eye of his butler in his new London palace : ‘ He would have clasped himself by the wrists in that constabulary manner of his , and have paced up and down the hearth-rug , or gone creeping about among the rich objects of furniture , if his oppressive retainer had appeared in the room at that very moment . ’
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