Example sentences of "are in the form " in BNC.

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1 I believe profoundly in all these things , it goes without saying ; my difficulty lies in knowing how defensible they are in the form in which they are visibly institutionalized in the anglophone academy .
2 Since much of equity returns are in the form of capital gains , at least in the long run , which are taxed only on realisation , personal tax on equity returns is generally in effect much lower than that on the returns to investing in a company 's debt .
3 A typical example is a problem in which the relevant clause quoted from the will is introduced with the words ita legavit , and the words quoted from the will are in the form dari volo , an expression absolutely standard for trusts .
4 These representations are in the form of a first-order logic augmented with generalized quantifiers and operators for tense and other phenomena , as described in detail by Alshawi & van Eijck ( 1989 ) .
5 It seems , however , that the viral genes can not produce proteins or be replicated until they are in the form of integrated DNA .
6 On this basis alone the islands have clearly exceeded their carrying capacity , the more so when it is realised that almost all the food imports are in the form of foreign aid .
7 Most of the measures aimed at competing in the single market are in the form of directives .
8 Although the proprietors and staff of EVERYDAY ELECTRONICS take reasonable precautions to protect the interests of readers by ensuring as far as practicable that advertisements are bona fide , the magazine and its Publishers can not give any undertakings in respect of statements or claims made by advertisers , whether these advertisements are printed as part of the magazine , or are in the form of inserts .
9 Although the proprietors and staff of EVERYDAY ELECTRONICS take reasonable precautions to protect the interests of readers by ensuring as far as practicable that advertisements are bona fide , the magazine and its Publishers can not give any undertakings in respect of statements or claims made by advertisers , whether these advertisements are printed as part of the magazine , or are in the form of inserts .
10 Because the calories consumed are in the form of particularly bulky , filling and satisfying food your appetite will not be sharpened nor your willpower lowered by actual physical hunger .
11 However , all of the shaping print out types are in the form of diagrams and charts … the program does not produce full written patterns like the ones you get in magazines and books .
12 Non-commercial clients , say charities , and large associations , may also have marketing staff for their " products " , which are in the form of services or benefits .
13 While the scheme makes some provision for grants , most of the payments are in the form of loans to those deemed eligible and able to meet the repayments .
14 They want a spread of expenditure for the contract works So what we agreed with them is that we will forthwith start sending them client reports and I 've asked them if they will report back to us whether the client reports are in the form they want them .
15 The story goes that the ends of the bugle strings on the badge are in the form of thistles in remembrance of the regiment 's association with the Highlanders in battle .
16 Alas , it does not indicate if these are in the form of concentrates ready for market , or whether they are run-of-mine stuff or hand picked cobbed material .
17 This is in contrast to the majority of existing pronouncements , which are in the form of guidance throughout and contain no explicitly prescriptive material .
18 Much data in geography are in the form of counts , and a frequent question of interest is the relation of an average count to a set of explanatory variables .
19 Liquidity is the degree to which the company assets are in the form of cash or can readily be converted into cash .
20 Liquidity is the degree to which the company assets are in the form of cash or can readily be converted into cash .
21 However the minister admitted that most of the grants given to local authorities for cycling schemes — anything under two million pounds , are in the form of loans — they have to pay the money back .
22 Saturday 's game illustrated the importance of taking scoring chances when they are presented , even if they are in the form of kicks at goal .
23 The lures of sex , relaxation , all the things that distract you from your high heroic task , are in the form of nymphs with Latin names .
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