Example sentences of "not [vb infin] the power " in BNC.

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1 However , this does not affect the power of shareholders by agreement to circumvent the provisions of the Act .
2 The majority opinion emphasises the subjective condition that the General Assembly must be satisfied of the need for the wider powers , but does not make the power of granting oral hearings rest upon the precondition of failure of its duties by South Africa .
3 If he was to rule as well as reign he himself had to overthrow Mortimer and Isabella and to do so in a way which would not enhance the power of the magnates .
4 Saruman the great wizard uses his Palantir too often and can not withstand the power of Sauron and becomes evil .
5 But terrorists do not need the power , precision and elegance of a high-yield weapon that fits on a missile .
6 Though the powers of Vice Chancellors are considerable , they do not include the power to make two and two make five .
7 For example , he could not enjoy the power and obvious pleasures of flight , in all probability experienced at some evolutionary stage and retained as a residual ‘ desire ’ , and at the same time be strong enough to do other desired things .
8 Even the attempt to limit the number of members each guild or craft might have on the council did not curb the power of the greater companies .
9 We should not underestimate the power of official systems of classification of children , even when they are generally held to be inadequate by those that work with them .
10 All that the case decided was that the Food Controller was acting outside the Regulations since the Regulations did not give the power to tax .
11 Theron died in 472 and his son Thrasydaios did not keep the power long .
12 We should not limit the power and majesty of God to what we can understand but leave it to him .
13 But he wrote of the then almost unthinkable independence of the Ukraine and Baltic countries , of the possibility of a Soviet commonwealth , and concluded that while ‘ Marxist doctrine has delayed the break-up of the Russian Empire it does not possess the power to prevent it . ’
14 She could not control the power alone , was not meant to .
15 But Lord Donaldson said he did not interpret the power in the 1981 Broadcasting Act to mean that Parliament intended the home secretary to have authority either covertly to censor programmes or to require the broadcasting authorities to present news programmes other than with due impartiality and accuracy .
16 First , as a matter of decision , the court held that charging of S. did not terminate the power to investigate so that the power to require information from G. Plc.
17 Although ACET , like any charity , does not have the power to release you from the agreement it is likely to be sympathetic .
18 Some are still around and , although they do not have the power , compare reasonably well in quality with modern wonders .
19 He needs to think of how we are to find the right ministers , men and women — to let people know that there is a vocation called holy orders , of ‘ unique difficulty and unique happiness ’ ; the variety of ministers , deaconesses , teachers in schools , lay preachers , monks and nuns and friars who belong to ‘ the praying heart of the Church ’ , without which its mission would not have the power of God within it .
20 As the Labour dissidents in the Cabinet recognized , they did not have the power — they were a minority in the Cabinet as well as in the Commons — to avoid such a cut ; all that they could do was to ensure that it was not a Labour government which imposed it .
21 The crucial difference between new and old is that publishing responsibility passes to the television and radio operators : the ITC and Radio Authority will not have the power to preview programmes or vet schedules .
22 But the bank is believed to have replied that it did not have the power to do so .
23 Japanese officials plead that they do not have the power to carve up the market in this way .
24 I knew I was being bewitched , laid under a spell so intensely personal , so thrilling , I did not have the power to resist it , or to judge if it were good or evil .
25 Nor could he tax : he simply did not have the power to levy impositions like the taille and the gabelle , as the French king did .
26 But Saracen arrows did not have the power of penetration necessary to pierce the heavy mail hauberks of the Christian knights , and whenever their numbers were inferior they were frequently overwhelmed by the sheer weight and ferocity of their opponents .
27 An alternative line of defence offered by the National Bank for its failure to curb inflation ( EP , 10 November 1986 ) is that it does not have the power to prevent the money supply from growing faster than its planned rate .
28 Again , it is a peculiarity of unfair dismissal law that an industrial tribunal does not have the power to consider the fairness of dismissal where at the time of dismissal the employer was conducting a lockout or the employee was taking part in a strike or other industrial action .
29 But the local branch did not have the power to agree to the offer .
30 Instead , some individuals or groups in society will fail to forecast inflation correctly and so may , for example , seek money wage increases which are lower than necessary to maintain their real wages ; other individuals or groups may not have the power to gain full compensation for inflation even if they do predict it correctly .
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