Example sentences of "not [prep] the interests " in BNC.

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1 The ground rules of completion are designed for the interests of the public and not for the interests of the profession alone .
2 ( 3 ) Regulated agreements which are not caught by Pt V of CCA 1974 as laid out in s74 of CCA 1974 , for example non-commercial agreements , or small agreements ( s17(1) ) , or running-account credit such as bank overdrafts or other overdrafts exempted by the Director if this is not against the interests of the debtor .
3 Cynics argued that it was not in the interests of the nuclear industry to create even more public concern .
4 Your Directors firmly believe that the proposed addition to Article 93 is not in the interests of the general body of shareholders .
5 This appears to your Directors to be unreasonable and not in the interests of the Company .
6 I was eager that Burma should remain within the British Commonwealth , for the sake of Burma and not in the interests of Britain and her trade .
7 Jesus pointed out that taking the law this far was not in the interests of people .
8 Many of the issues that women seek to raise are not in the interests of men .
9 The Director 's action in intervening to offer no evidence , on the ground that it was not in the interests of justice or the public for the prosecution to continue , was upheld by the courts .
10 This was not confined to security information but encompassed any information which was not in the interests of the state to disclose .
11 Suppose that he refused his consent for corrupt motives , or in bad faith … for party-political reasons , and not in the interests of the public at large … or because he considered that the information was laid by a pressure group , of which he disapproved …
12 Seas are overfished , pastures overgrazed , wild animals hunted to near extinction , or smoke released into the atmosphere , because it is not in the interests of one individual to reduce his consumption if others do not .
13 If I judge that the agreement is not in the interests of this country , it would not be right for me to sign it and I will not sign it .
14 They were extremely impressed by what he said and were buoyed up by his message that the Government are determined to ensure that the proposals on reform of the common agricultural policy are strongly resisted because they are not in the interests of Scotland 's farmers .
15 That is not in the interests of this country , or of our partners in Europe .
16 When we know that poverty is one of the biggest growth industries in Britain , we know that the Government simply are not working — at least not in the interests of all our people .
17 According to ULIMO — a coalition of supporters of former President Samuel Doe reportedly based in Sierra Leone — the agreement was not in the interests of the Liberian people but of those of rebel leader Charles Taylor and his National Patriotic Front of Liberia ( NPFL ) .
18 We see jobs being lost every week as our employers cut back to try and outbid each other not in the interests of defence of this country but purely because of political dogma .
19 This point is made not in the interests of pedantry , but because it bears directly on the criticisms of current approaches to the global system that lie at the heart of this book .
20 It is not in the interests of the drinks industry to encourage alcohol abuse and no matter how small the percentage of abusers , it will always be too high .
21 Indeed the creation of a split in the city of Plymouth itself , makes that divide even more stark because it 's even more clearly not in the interests of Plymouth , as Plymouth city council have been keen er to point out .
22 ‘ It 's not in the interests of my children .
23 It went ‘ without saying ’ that the rule was devoted ‘ not to the interests of the police , but to the protection and welfare of the public ’ .
24 Western historians tend to see them as alienated intellectuals motivated not by the interests of any major section of society but by a host of heterogeneous ideas , romantic and modernizing , dictatorial and democratic .
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