Example sentences of "not [verb] anything about " in BNC.

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1 I had not heard anything about these guys .
2 ‘ I 've not heard anything about this . ’
3 The fact that he does not explain anything about them probably means that they were known to his audience .
4 My agenda does not matter ( though I maintain my status in not revealing anything about myself ) .
5 I have naturally been very careful not to discover anything about it , but I have a feeling that she has commissioned little tributes from friends and childhood recollections from my sisters .
6 We 're not announcing anything about the team at present .
7 Apart from that I do not know anything about it .
8 We do not know anything about the nature of her illness .
9 Mr. Lloyd , counsel for the defendant , has attacked this part of the judgment by relying heavily on the proposition that Mrs. Steed did not know anything about the power of attorney and her status thereunder .
10 You may not know anything about what 's inside your machine at all , but just about everybody will have three separate bits to their machine , so that 's where we 'll start .
11 I myself did not know anything about this and having checked with Gillyan Ford and all Publicity Assistants , found that they too had had no previous indication of the requirement to scan adverts .
12 ‘ I was not suspicious at all and did not know anything about it .
13 The trustees claim they did not know anything about the clause , are a voluntary body on low income and would be unable to pay a market rent and become responsible for maintenance .
14 Was it possible that her sister had taken on a new maid for the Fanshawes ' flat and not said anything about it ?
15 ‘ He has not said anything about it to me , ’ the letter continued ,
16 There was only one crumb of comfort ; she was very glad that she had not said anything about it to Connor .
17 So far , we have not said anything about how these two kinds of analysis might be related .
18 These relationships are purely technological , and do not assume anything about the degree of competition .
19 You can not do anything about it .
20 If a policeman observes you doing that he can not do anything about it because we have no law which makes it illegal to be deliberately cruel to a wild animal .
21 We can not do anything about domestic events now , but certainly we would be keen to shown them .
22 ‘ Unfortunately , we can not do anything about it .
23 Earlier , a care worker told the jury about the girl 's absences from the home : ‘ Unfortunately , we can not do anything about it .
24 It might have been said that since one representative was absent they could not do anything about it , but the fact of the matter is they plainly had come to their decision the day before .
25 She and David could not do anything about it , of course , but it was wonderful .
26 If the government is locked into a policy of expanding the money supply at some pre-announced rate it can not do anything about this possibly severe recession .
27 The idea that one can not do anything about unemployment is the real gospel of despair .
28 Therefore , although we welcome legislation that deals with the serious issues , and although we have promised to consider it carefully in Committee , we can not do anything about the crime figures .
29 I 'm left , according to the glass people , with a damaged windscreen and can not do anything about it .
30 EMBARRASSED body-odour sufferers often can not do anything about their personal freshness problem , researchers announced today .
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