Example sentences of "at least the first " in BNC.

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1 It appears that Vicini will recall Donadoni ( back from injury ) for at least the first half at Wembley .
2 Basically , Mr Porceddu intends to jail every troublemaker in sight — a minimum of two days for offensive drunkenness , automatic detention until at least the first round is over for anything more serious .
3 These had to be answered , and answered well — or at least the first ten or so did — because the original questioner and other MPs were allowed to ask supplementary questions .
4 Sumitomo Metal Industries , Japan 's third-largest steel company , has abandoned at least the first phase of a big refinancing scheme .
5 It was performance that drew applause from a press corps relieved to be approaching the end of at least the first election campaign this year , and brought smiles to previously glum ministerial faces .
6 Through at least the first half of Gravity 's Rainbow , Pynchon follows a method of pursuing multiple plot-lines around and across Slothrop 's search .
7 Probably a majority would recommend treatment of the female sexual partner(s) with at least the first attack of NSU , but , as with gonorrhoea where up to one third of female gonorrhoea contacts can be shown not to have the disease , such a policy of treatment without diagnosis is bound to lead to a certain amount of overtreatment .
8 For known diabetics the blood glucose can be rechecked four-hourly for at least the first 48 hours .
9 In my own survey of visitors to the British Museum in which teams of five interviewers worked for four separate weeks interviewing at the museum entrances I made sure that I was present for at least the first day of each survey and was available by phone during the rest of the time .
10 As for the merits of the original illustrations as works of art , to my own taste at least the first impressions were of a certain period quality — with Wade 's occasional curvaceous nudes and sports car profiles intruded into the abstract geometries bringing memories of Victor Vasarely 's more lamentable lapses into commercial vulgarity , In the end , however , Wade 's sheer enthusiasm and invention persuaded me into a renewed fascination .
11 Do not give the child eggs , fish , chocolate , wheat , oranges , peanuts or other nuts for at least the first six months , and preferably for the first year of life .
12 Indeed , it is the implications of the changing age structure of the population of pensionable age and the likelihood of a continuation of that trend into at least the first decade of the twenty-first century which have been the chief concern of social planners and welfare economists , rather than the proportion of the total population entitled to draw retirement pensions .
13 The sail effect of wind on the top foliage therefore concentrates stress at the top tie and in the vulnerable buds , which will be weak anyway for at least the first year or two .
14 Biological anthropology in the present context considers infants and their care within an evolutionary perspective , arguing that over the millions of years it has taken for humans to evolve , infant-parent contact was likely to have been virtually constant for at least the first year of life .
15 A theory which , in its classic form , gives a pretty positive answer to at least the first two of these questions is utilitarianism .
16 In any case , ministerial training continues on a less formal and standardised basis for at least the first three years after ordination , in the context of one or more curacies .
17 The poor or null stabilizing effect of GpU indicated that , as it had been shown for the E.coli rrnB P 1 promoter ( 8 ) , the appearance of a complex stable to heparin challenge requires the formation of at least the first phosphodiester bond .
18 At least the first time , she 'd only a vague notion of what might lie ahead .
19 Therefore for at least the first year of Council Tax I have included a separate section to deal exclusively with Poll Tax residue issues , although in practice many of these posts will need to be filled by temporary secondments back from Council Tax structures , staff unsuccessful in obtaining permanent positions initially within the Council Tax structure and temporary staff .
20 So at least the first two cells are still picking up the right two numbers , because we used the range names , we 've inserted a row on the other file , but er , we 're still about range names found where those cells are .
21 Those currencies which currently belong to the exchange rate mechanism and are not perceived by the markets as likely to join at least the first echelon of a single currency may come under pressure in the market .
22 It 's his first er match or at least the first he 's started since the opening weeks of the season .
23 Evacuation , and the revelations associated with it , ‘ dominated social policy for at least the first nine months of the war ’ and ‘ aroused the conscience of the nation ’ , leading to a much wider debate on the condition of the people .
24 At the moment , we 've got , Devon County Council 's Recycling Working Party who are very likely to be paying our site 's rental charges , for at least the first year to get us off the ground .
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