Example sentences of "at the thought [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Not just at contemplation of the glass but at the thought of its being here , in the flat , with me .
2 And the exhibition would be important , she told herself , when a flow of desire swept her away at the thought of being with Lucy , time allotted to their togetherness .
3 ‘ I adore you , your body drives me wild with desire , I live for the light in your eyes , my whole being lights up at the thought of you .
4 Hong Kong government officials shudder privately at the thought of having to organise the allocation .
5 I felt strangely repelled at the thought of eating meat .
6 He was appalled at the thought of turning into a pub at five-thirty for a quiet drink and finding that it had been converted into a Poets ' Pub , ‘ reverberating , like an African village , with the roll of ‘ Drake 's Drum . ’ .
7 She had experienced mounting terror at the thought of a new role in which she would certainly prove a failure — a woman who could not do her work , could not save her father , could not love her mother , could not satisfy her man , was most unlikely to make any sort of mother .
8 She felt infantilised by them , but also felt bitterly that they were not fair , and she was bored and frightened at the thought of remaining bored all her life .
9 One more guilty secret that Maggie felt obliged to keep from everyone was the deep fear and disgust that she felt at the thought of sexuality .
10 Muslim ones tend to shrivel up at the thought of their women going out to work .
11 Incidentally , I am not sure that Cameron should admit this fact since it will make anyone who wants to buy her movie positively glow with pleasure at the thought of paying her practically nothing for it .
12 Mrs Thatcher will have to be satisfied with the assurances she will receive from Mr Bush , who will tell her that , since defence cuts are politically inevitable , it is far better for modest and planned reductions to be proposed by his cabinet and the Pentagon than for swingeing cuts to be imposed by the US Congress , which is already chafing at the thought of the US budget deficit being deepened to pay for the defence of the wealthy Europeans .
13 And then the Greens ' past caught up with them — or , more accurately , was put on display by the government parties — and the Social Democrats retreated rapidly in case the electorate took fright at the thought of a pact with such a dubious , anarchic bunch .
14 True , there would be argument about how or whether Iraq was to be made to conform with clauses in the 11 other relevant Security Council resolutions and horror at the thought of the Iraqi regime surviving with its army and air force still largely undestroyed .
15 ‘ When I first knew you , you would have been full of despair and melancholy at the thought of clerical life , but now though there is a faint hint of it you are full of hope and joy . ’
16 After the Oval Test David Gower murmured that West Indies must be ‘ quaking in their boots ’ at the thought of England 's forthcoming visit , a characteristically ironic piece of Gower humour .
17 ‘ Let the Council clear it up , ’ he said , and doubled up in silent mirth at the thought of flouting authority .
18 He shuddered at the thought of all the potential conflict situations ahead .
19 His balls ached at the thought of her .
20 By the end of the century , use of drugs in cases of terminal illness was more common ; but many would have shaken their heads at the thought of patients dying drugged , as is the norm today .
21 None of it removed the nagging misery from her mind , the horror at the thought of Eleanor Thorne , sweet-natured as she was , being consigned to a mental hospital for geriatrics , to a public ward in a public bed , her possessions named with white tapes , her false teeth removed , her talk and actions , perhaps even her death , made common property .
22 Her face flamed at the thought of it .
23 To follow our example through , leaving school is often a traumatic time : there is usually much regret but , on the other hand , there is also great excitement at the thought of doing new things and meeting new people at college or at work or wherever the next part of our life takes us .
24 Not surprisingly this can lead to a great deal of guilt and remorse at the thought of things left unsaid , or perhaps an argument that had taken place just before the person left the house , never to return .
25 ‘ People just like the idea of us being in love , ’ he sighed at the thought of going over ground yet again as he explained the need for him to step out of Kylie 's tiny shadow .
26 No , there was no hope of her husband exploding with rage at the thought of leaving her and swearing that he would find a way to remain .
27 Election Focus The Voters : After a draw a rematch Many people are unhappy at the thought of a hung Parliament .
28 I tremble at the thought of Mr Kinnock entering the lion 's den of Europe , going ‘ naked into the conference chamber ’ , as his old hero Aneurin Bevan put it .
29 His crew too were happy at the thought of leaving the sea .
30 Indeed , the author recalls at the EPP Conference he attended in the Reichstag in Berlin before the last European elections , a leading German politician advocating a federal Europe in vivid emotional terms : ‘ My heart rages with passion at the thought of a Single Government and a Single Parliament ’ .
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