Example sentences of "at the next election " in BNC.

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1 Labour leaders were strongly criticised for embracing an ‘ unprincipled ’ U-turn away from unilateralism in an attempt to win votes at the next election .
2 In his address to the party conference at Brighton , Mr Kinnock said Labour was now ready , eager and able to take power from the Conservatives at the next election , and his confidence won him one of the most prolonged and enthusiastic ovations received by a Labour leader for many years .
3 Jimmy Knapp , general secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen , predicted that the Government 's scheme for selling off British Rail would help to guarantee the defeat of the Tories at the next election .
4 The irony is , however , that the economic crisis which might clinch their switch to Labour at the next election — with continuing balance-of-payments problems , punishing interest rates , a sinking pound , inflation and recession — would by definition preclude the heavy public investment required to implement the Kinnock programme .
5 In the 50 seats that Labour needed to capture at the next election , people would continue to view the party with suspicion ‘ until we display democracy in our organisation ’ .
6 Dread of failure , as much as positive enthusiasm for Labour 's change of direction , was a driving motivation for offering the most appealing face possible at the next election .
7 ‘ That would mean the Conservatives losing over 1.5 million voters at the next election and many marginal seats would go with them . ’
8 David Blunkett , Labour 's local government spokesman , said the announcement meant that the Government had admitted defeat over the poll tax , and that the money was solely aimed at the next election .
9 DENIS Winston Healey is having a certain amount of characteristically mischievous fun with journalists at the moment , on the question of whether he will or will not stand at the next election .
10 There is no way of knowing , yet , whether the Greens at the next election will be playing Pan pipes in the background , or piping briskly into the fray .
11 Any Conservative you care to converse with will predict a close contest at the next election .
12 He also urged them to remember Tory supporters living overseas at the next election .
13 At the next election the general is expected to stand in Khon Kaen , in the heart of Esarn .
14 It was , he said , a ‘ new Victorian Poor Law ’ which would pave the way for the election of a Labour Government at the next election .
15 And that is why the SDP was declared to be a spent force the instant David Owen said that it would not be contesting every seat at the next election .
16 ‘ Either a Tory or a Labour minority government will look at the next election down the track and say , ‘ Hang on , we ai n't going to win ’ . ’
17 At the next election we need to have persuaded more people to measure their votes against principle rather than tax tables .
18 We sincerely hope that Mr Taylor will stay with us and defeat the handful of critics at the next election .
19 At the next election , two Labour MPs ( one of them was Keir Hardie ) were returned .
20 ‘ I would hate it to go down in Conservative mythology that we always had to have a gaggle of young men running every campaign , ’ he said , ‘ although if we had the same bunch at the next election at least they 'd be a few years older . ’
21 The Prime Minister 's supporters were immediately thrown onto the defensive since most Conservative MPs saw the tax as the single biggest obstacle to a Conservative victory at the next election .
22 This was , it seems , partly with the rather Machiavellian intention of forcing Conservative MPs to unite behind a Prime Minister whose continuance in office was considered best to serve Labour 's prospects of victory at the next election .
23 The disciplinary control exercised by these groups is usually powerful , for if any member breaks away and acts contrary to the decisions of the group on any important issue he will probably lose the support of his party at the next election .
24 Could you tell me what is the policy of your party on this matter and if you were to be elected to power at the next election what would your party do ?
25 How many seats did the Liberal Party win at the next election ?
26 Self-delusion could easily once again cloud the judgment of the shadow cabinet and Labour could go it alone at the next election , perhaps with the same misplaced confidence in a ‘ safety first ’ stance that will deliver success if the dangers inherent in new initiatives are avoided and new ideas anathemised .
27 As everyone knows , the boundary commission , which decides how many constituencies an area needs , is likely to come up with recommendations that will deprive Labour of as many as 20 of its urban seats at the next election .
28 LABOUR leader John Smith launched a think-tank yesterday to come up with ideas for putting the party into power at the next Election .
29 Later on , perhaps at the next election , there might be an opportunity for me to get into Parliament .
30 LEADING Liberal-Democrat MP David Alton will quit at the next election in protest at the party 's decision yesterday to back pro-abortion policies .
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