Example sentences of "at the next table " in BNC.

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1 The people at the next table moved their chairs forward imperceptibly .
2 He moaned more loudly and the people at the next table held their drinks in mid-air .
3 There was a nice-looking American at the next table , however , so I asked him whether he was a drug-fiend , dealing in human misery , in which case , I said , I 'd like some Ecstasy .
4 For example , at the next table at the Exmoor Forest Hotel , he had overheard two people talking to each other , a ‘ very well bred looking old man with a dry peevish voice whom I took to be mentally deranged and a woman who was either his daughter or his nurse ’ .
5 The talk would take in all the great political and aesthetic themes : Jean-Paul Sartre would join in , for he would be sitting at the next table : together , artists and intellectuals would conquer life 's essential absurdity ; and from such discussions tomorrow 's painting would be born .
6 At the next table , nothing had been said to counter this barrage .
7 There were moves at the next table .
8 Fair old stick you gave those two at the next table . ’
9 A lively group of beefy youngsters at the next table gave a loud cheer , and a girl exclaimed ‘ Great ! ’
10 At the next table a German couple were talking loudly and beyond them a middle-aged man on his own occupied a table for three .
11 Modigliani , of course , spotted her at once and came and sat at the next table .
12 Blaise Cendrars , the writer , saw Modigliani let fall a twenty-franc note one evening when a well-known pauper came in to sit at the next table .
13 Fernand Léger and Lipinski the revolutionary were earnestly discussing the political situation at the next table .
14 A very gallant gentleman at the next table came over and for no particular reason , kissed my hand !
15 I opened the can and poured the Coke , and Mrs Young , who happened to be sitting alone at the next table , turned round and said to Xanthe sweetly that she , Mrs Young , would pay for the Coke , and would n't Xanthe come and join her ?
16 I was in a café in Beaconsfield waiting for a bus , and at the next table a man and a woman were passionately discussing Ivy .
17 Having finished her spot , the soprano left the stage and rejoined her husband and the Concert Secretary who were sitting at the next table .
18 At the next table sit two fine specimens of Mancunian youth .
19 At the next table , the black African diplomat was impressing the girl he was with .
20 A couple at the next table scowled at him but looked away when he glared back at them .
21 Princess Margaret was at the next table with Mr and Mrs Paul Newall , .
22 Shaking her head , she speaks in a near whisper so that the women at the next table can not overhear .
23 The gentleman with the glass eye at the next table is discussing civic sculpture with a woman who might be Catherine Deneuve .
24 Everyone , including the Indians , seemed to be happy and laughing , and in my surly mood I unkindly wished them all in hell — chiefly because no one was in any hurry to serve me and I had to sit and watch a party at the next table consume a feast that looked to me as if it had issued straight from Nirvana , before I was even shown a menu .
25 A young bridal couple at the next table , returning from their honeymoon in Cairo , peeled hard-boiled eggs and ate in silence .
26 If you saw someone you knew and you shouted out to them , you were in dead trouble , even if you shouted hello , or if you asked someone at the next table for a cigarette .
27 I could hear the talk at the next table , the staccato clatter of Mexican , and behind me the piercing voice of an American woman .
28 ‘ Here 's fifty , ’ he shouts at the next table .
29 The man at the next table stands up , walks over and leans his hands on the chair next to Bill .
30 He wished that he could have listened to their conversation , but he would not have made much of it if he had been sitting at the next table .
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