Example sentences of "at the high rate " in BNC.

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1 In the same way , if your spouse pays income tax at the higher rate and you pay tax at only the ( lower ) basic rate , then in order to obtain Higher Rate Tax Relief , your spouse should enter into the covenant , or into a Joint Deed of Covenant with you , and he/she should actually make the covenant payments .
2 If you pay tax at the higher rate you will personally obtain further relief of 15% on the gross figure , so making the net cost of the payment to you £600 .
3 Similarly , if your spouse pays income tax at the higher rate and you pay tax at only the ( lower ) basic rate , then your spouse should make the Gift Aid payment in order to obtain the higher rate relief .
4 In Powys , £10.08 million was paid in 1982 on 66,900 cattle , 855,100 sheep at the higher rate and 420,100 sheep at the lower rate .
5 The issue of such shares is treated as giving rise to an income tax liability on the recipient shareholder , but only at the higher rate of income tax .
6 Where relief is due at the higher rate , it is given by the subscriber 's tax office ( e.g. by adjusting the PAYE code ) .
7 If you pay tax at the higher rate , you will have to pay some additional tax and should allow for this in your budgeting , as its deduction is not automatic .
8 If incapacity for work continues thereafter , a person can obtain invalidity benefit at the higher rate of £43.60 plus £26.20 for an adult dependant and £8.95 for each child .
9 Of these claims , 1535 ( 77.2% ) were paid at the higher rate and 453 ( 22.8% ) at the lower rate paid for visits done by deputising services .
10 After 1980 it was possible for charities to reclaim tax paid on money covenanted to them for four years or more , not just at the standard rate of tax , but at the higher rate if individuals paid tax at the higher rate .
11 After 1980 it was possible for charities to reclaim tax paid on money covenanted to them for four years or more , not just at the standard rate of tax , but at the higher rate if individuals paid tax at the higher rate .
12 In this regard an employee who is the victim of a violent incident whilst undertaking such temporary duties and , as a result , is absent from work will be paid the appropriate allowance at the higher rate for as long as the circumstances which gave rise to this temporary arrangement continues .
13 The shareholders are treated as having received a distribution of £100 on which tax of £20 has been paid and , assuming they will be liable for income tax at the higher rate , will have a further £20 of income tax to pay ( see s14 TA 1988 and sections 77 to 79 of the 1993 Finance Act ) .
14 The gain may be taxed at the basic rate of income tax therefore or at the higher rate .
15 At present , special tax rules apply to members ' special reserve funds which are maintained to meet future losses and are liable to tax relief at the higher rate .
16 Shareholders who are liable at the higher rate of 40 per cent will incur additional tax payable at 5 per cent on the dividends received .
17 We 've got to get a much better system of subsidising housing for everybody , so that those in real need get a bigger share of the cake than the people who are living in very big houses , with very big incomes , and getting tax relief at the higher rate .
18 FLU is sweeping across Britain at the highest rate recorded for 14 years , according to figures published yesterday .
19 Your premiums get tax relief at the highest rate of tax you pay ( so a gross premium of £1,000 will cost you only £600 net if you are a 40% taxpayer ) , and your lump sum at retirement is tax free .
20 Individuals can get tax relief on contributions at the highest rate of tax they pay .
21 investment by a member gets tax relief at the highest rate he or she pays .
22 The proportion of allowances paid at the highest rate ( in ‘ haute montagne ’ ) in 1981 was only 5% ; 78% in the ‘ montagne ’ zone and 16% in the ‘ piedmont ’ zone .
23 What is more , when inflation is taken into account , the present middle-income earners have relatively less disposable income under the present higher tax rate of 60% than they did under the old regime of tax charged at the highest rate of 83% such is the falling-behind effect of tax allowances granted in recent years .
24 Popular with high earners because tax relief can be claimed at the highest rate , the pension loan also allows borrowers to claim tax relief on their pension contributions .
25 Oil will be taxed at the highest rate , adding about US$3.50 to the cost of a barrel of oil , with the aim of discouraging dependence on imported oil .
26 It used to amaze me that we treat criminals in a way which is guaranteed to perpetuate their self-image as a ‘ criminal ’ and reinforce negative beliefs about self and society , and then seem surprised at the high rate of recidivism .
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