Example sentences of "at the last moment " in BNC.

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1 The basic recipe is a reduction of white wine and brown fond de veau lié with a julienne of gherkins and mustard stirred in at the last moment .
2 Still , he 's a married man , and his wife is in her seventh month , from what I hear : that 's why she had to send her apologies at the last moment
3 Begin what seems to be a front kick , then change it at the last moment into a high roundhouse kick .
4 Most nights , at some point , he thought about phoning Amanda but he always managed , at the last moment , to replace the receiver before her answerphone answered .
5 As we go to press , there has been no satisfactory explanation as to the withdrawal of the number one seed Monica Seles from the Wimbledon Women 's Singles at the last moment .
6 Then they were a single out away from going one game up in Dodger Stadium — only for Kirk Gibson to turn the Series on its head with a home run at the last moment .
7 You can minimise disappointment by calling the airline ( toll-free ) to check availability , and by being ready to switch at the last moment to a different , less popular destination .
8 Over such key issues as the European Common Market he had followed a prudent , unadventurous course , only moving to endorse membership at the last moment when political circumstances seemed so to dictate .
9 It had a very ill-fated start in that some of the original ideas of establishing it as an independent agency with a trading fund were thwarted at the last moment .
10 Charles had planned to take part in a private Mass with the Pope , but was forbidden at the last moment after strong protest to the government from the Church of England hierarchy .
11 The organising committee took four hours to announce the seedings and draw order , much of the time being taken up trying to persuade West Germany , who had assumed they were going to Verona , to switch to Milan at the last moment .
12 The organising committee took four hours to announce the seedings and draw order , much of the time being taken up trying to persuade West Germany , who had assumed they were going to Verona , to switch to Milan at the last moment .
13 A minor but telling incident : a big army exercise scheduled for last week in which French soldiers were , for the first time , to do mock battle alongside British troops in West Germany was called off at the last moment because of East Germany 's election .
14 In March 1962 the draft treaty was about to be signed by all six countries , when , at the last moment , de Gaulle changed the text .
15 But at the last moment she lost the desire to do so , because his face was not merely sad but forbidding , even hostile .
16 It was also a triumph over the devil , who was thought to be particularly active at death-beds , either gloating over the sinner who was about to fall into his clutches , or trying at the last moment to snatch a soul in the throes of fear or doubt .
17 He had been on the point of hiding in the kiosk : only at the last moment had he dived beneath it .
18 He gives us no sign that he believes God will provide a substitute at the last moment , no sign of a conviction that all will be well in the end .
19 19ff ) ; one of the earliest attested acts of faith centred upon the near sacrifice of a human being ( Isaac , son of Abraham ) , replaced at the last moment by a substitute ram which was given as a burnt-offering ( Gen. 22 ) ; and the first redemption of the embryonic nation Israel involved the smearing of the blood of the Passover lamb on the doorposts and lintels of the Hebrews ' homes in Egypt as a sign to the Angel of Death to leave them in safety ( Exod.
20 Having weakened the bull , the matador in this Madrid fight at the last moment refused to deliver the fatal thrust .
21 He did so at the last moment when the Unionists agreed not to oppose Henderson .
22 At the last general election , the section on Northern Ireland in the Tory manifesto would have appeared under the heading ‘ foreign affairs ’ if someone had n't noticed it in proof at the last moment .
23 Four weeks of near stasis in voters ' attitudes apparently gave way at the last moment to a near avalanche .
24 Oddly enough , I would have thought it was the decision of the Financial Times to support Labour which swung many people behind the Conservatives at the last moment .
25 A coalition to buy a 51 per cent share of Koch Industries was trumped at the last moment when Charles approached the Marshall family , four per cent stakeholders , with an offer too good to reject .
26 Once a boy was almost carted away but the Headmaster changed his mind at the last moment .
27 Of course I realised that at the last moment he could have been attached to another troop , but this seemed highly unlikely in view of the S.A.S. methods of training , which relied upon close personal co-operation between all ranks .
28 He prepares to do so , and only when it is clear that he will obey the divine command does God at the last moment spare his son and tell him to kill a sheep instead .
29 He tucked himself into a tight ball , and , at the last moment , rolled on to his side from terror of the rocks beneath the surface .
30 Remarkably , they were saved at the last moment and rebuilt , now forming a group of pleasant dwellings .
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