Example sentences of "at the [adj] moment " in BNC.

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31 There 's only one thing that struck me when I was reading through it but a as I say , we we got to look at this from point of view are we going to date this as it lies at the present moment and add to it pieces that we want , or do we start off by having the pieces o i its its now whe w w
32 Well at the present moment it 's about , where he is it 's about half past five , twenty to six , so he is probably waiting for his supper I should think his evening meal .
33 all you are contributing to the political debate in this country at the present moment is a quarrel about the trade union block vote in the affairs of the Labour Party .
34 Yeah because if you want to go to Southwell at the present moment you go on a bus and you got to wait two hours to get one back .
35 erm I think it 's really encouraged by the fact that the erm gipsy sites which one sees around the County at the present moment because there is very little control over them , are most unsightly and do considerable damage to the countryside , and people do not wish this to happen in their own area .
36 But the major problem is that the sites which we have at the present moment are not controlled , and if we could get proper sites , properly managed , I think you would find that the whole erm picture of a gipsy site in an area would be much better received by the public than it is at the present .
37 She wanted to be able to sit there and be like them , to sit there and sip Coke and not to have to worry about whether she would laugh at the right moments .
38 It is just because whatever one has planned to do is bound to be altered in the process that it is important to start at the right moment , he wrote .
39 Additional airbrake should be available to make the glider stop floating at the right moment .
40 It was just that I happened to ask at the right moment .
41 ‘ At ordinary times we do not read novels at all , as you may imagine , but the right novel at the right moment can have a real spiritual value . ’
42 We just hit at the right moment and from that week onwards , at least 90 people turned up every week .
43 It was a great relief that they would no longer have to scheme some way of getting Anna out , at the right moment , while he himself was touring somewhere .
44 It is important that selection decisions are timed at the right moment in this chain .
45 Chapman had kept a close watch on Speirs ' feud with Bradford City , and moved in just at the right moment .
46 Incidentally the lesson would have been better if there had been more tape recorders in the school and if the tape had been ready at the right moment .
47 Then at the right moment the two beams of particles could be brought together to collide .
48 Each pixel must be individually addressed by a voltage to give the right shade at the right moment .
49 The writer discovered or was introduced to Robinson Crusoe too early , so that it appeared to be a tedious book ; Mervyn Peake 's Gormenghast trilogy appeared a little too late , so that he accepted it with a little less excitement than it deserved ; and Proust 's Remembrance of things past came at the right moment when he had the tenacity for the task .
50 One of the arts of the parent , the teacher , and the librarian is to ensure that the right book is in the right hands at the right moment .
51 Certainly she had seen something moving in the forest that day on Ridgery Steep , something fairly large , something white , and Allen had failed to see it ; but then it was possible that he had not looked in the right spot at the right moment and that his failure to see it was an accident .
52 At the same time I placed a leg between his ; the object being to prevent him bringing up his knee against my balls.The plan was to throw both of us to the ground — at the right moment .
53 He was the right man , at the right moment .
54 The right shot at the right moment does not come because you do not let go of yourself .
55 Two of these they spotted as the German pilots began diving onto the Hurricanes tails , and at the right moment Westmacott carried out a hard climbing turn , coming out behind one of the Messerschmitts as it began to pull up .
56 Companies often recruit staff from speculative letters they have kept on file , and your letter may arrive just at the right moment .
57 I think he 's at the bottom of a bog with a hole in his head and they 're waiting to scoop her up at the right moment .
58 This new expansion of the department has come at the right moment for the National Railway Museum in view of the recent acquisition of the Ian Allan negative collection .
59 Secondly , and most serious , are allegations of ‘ Clever Hans ’ errors ; named after the German horse early in the century that gave correct answers to arithmetical problems shown it on a blackboard ( by tapping with its hoof ) until it was unmasked as reacting to unwitting symptoms of tension in its trainer which caused it to stop at the right moment .
60 This is achieved by holding down the fire button until the meter below the energy bar reaches maximum , then releasing it at the right moment .
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