Example sentences of "at the [det] rate " in BNC.

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1 Many professionals within the Lloyd 's market welcome the current crop of departures as there is an excess of financial capacity within the market at a time when business is not growing at the same rate as the available capacity .
2 Interestingly , not all rhythms develop at the same rate .
3 Note that if you take Kugelbaum 's football and let all the pentagons expand at the same rate and at the expense of the Ts until every T has shrunk to a point you will be left with a regular dodecahedron , having 12 pentagonal faces .
4 ‘ Otherwise , if they keep coming in at the same rate , Hong Kong will be totally swamped and will not be able to cope .
5 Even if this were politically possible , which it is not , petrol taxes punish the rural lunch-time driver at the same rate as the urban peak-time driver , when the latter causes far more harm .
6 Suddenly Star Eye were somewhere where things happened , time was strictly portioned and progressed at the same rate .
7 It came as no surprise to mystics that DNA is found to function like a right handed helix in which each tread is of the same size and turns at the same rate of 36° per tread .
8 Sales rose 11 p.c. to £314m in 1991 and profits grew at the same rate , to £13.4m before taxation .
9 And pensions have not been going up at the same rate as the cost of living .
10 For instance , the single person 's National Insurance retirement pension in 1990 is worth 26 per cent more than unemployment benefit , whereas back in 1972 they were paid at the same rate and had been for most of the period since 1948 .
11 This will be the case if , for example , you are asked to perform the same job at the same rate of pay but at a different office or factory and the move is catered for by a mobility clause in your contract .
12 More disposals are likely in 1992 , although not at the same rate as last year .
13 Levels of β-thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 were highly significantly correlated both in control subjects and diabetic patients , confirming that these two proteins are released from the same platelet pool and presumably at the same rate .
14 Where the snout , or end , of a glacier stayed in one place for many years — which was when the ice was advancing at the same rate as it was melting — more and more boulder clay was dumped at the glacier snout .
15 No two people age at the same rate or in the same way .
16 They were usually billed as the star attraction so John obviously made a good profit out of them but they were still paid at the same rate as all his juveniles , five shillings a week .
17 I mean , surely the English hens were laying at the same rate as they did in peacetime ?
18 If you become unemployed , you draw unemployment benefit at the same rate as retirement pension , but there is no increment for those weeks .
19 During selection with malathion and IBP , resistance gene frequency of a stock of Culex quinquefasciatus decreased at the same rate as untreated mosquitoes , whereas with malathion alone the resistance gene frequency increased fourfold in three generations .
20 In a organ size is increasing roughly at the same rate as body size : the slope of the continuous line thus is about 1 , which denotes isometry , rather than allometry .
21 For example , although a curie of any radioactive element disintegrates at the same rate as I gram of natural radium ( as found in sea-water ) there is no connection between this and the relative toxicity of the element as compared to radium .
22 And as it dissolves , it releases at the same rate any compounds mixed in with it .
23 A girl who is very tall for her age may fear that she will go on growing at the same rate indefinitely , while a boy who is shorter than his mates of the same age may be afraid that he will be permanently undersized .
24 Therefore : ‘ If this replacement proceeds smoothly and at the same rate as the disappearance , we have a case of simple reproduction , which corresponds to a situation in which the productive social labour remains uniform , with the productive forces unchanging . ’
25 In the schema with a different organic composition of capital in the two departments , in Marx 's illustration both departments still accumulated capital at the same rate , even though their rate of unproductive consumption was different .
26 It is obvious that the aggregate demand for consumption goods must Brow at the same rate as the production of such commodities if equilibrium is to be maintained ; but there is an inherent drive within the capitalist system to reduce the amount of variable capital advanced or employed for the purchase of labour-power as a proportion of the total capital advanced .
27 Chlorophyll depends naturally on light , CO 2 , humidity and warmth , although primary photoreaction proceeds at the same rate regardless of temperature .
28 Its surface area would dissipate heat continually at the same rate at which it exceeded ambient temperature , and it would need 8100 kilocalories of solar radiation in addition to its metabolic increment .
29 In spite of these remarkably positive indicators , Singapore is not expected to grow at the same rate in the 1990s .
30 Singapore is not expected to grow at the same rate in the 1990s .
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