Example sentences of "at an earlier [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The pleas were entered at an earlier court which heard the charges arose out of the removal and subsequent sale of gents clothing from the store as well as what was described as the ‘ creaming off ’ of cash from sales at the counter .
2 The JMU will take a dim view of any practice in which it discovers repeat breaches or a failure to meet undertakings given at an earlier inspection , regardless of whether or not these were the subject of subsequent correspondence with the Institute ( the fact that they were raised and documented at the closing meeting with the Inspector is a sufficient record ) .
3 At an earlier Christie 's auction , on Sept 11 , a collection of general books , manuscripts and letters ( from , among others , Dylan Thomas and E.M .
4 At an earlier trial , Dennison and Stuart Warne — the main link between the drug-dealers and the Ulstermen — both admitted conspiracy to murder and drugs charges and were jailed for life .
5 Zuno had been convicted at an earlier trial but Rafeedie had set aside the verdict on the grounds that the prosecution had referred in closing arguments to matters not in evidence .
6 This view , which had been accepted by Britain at an earlier date , was reiterated by the Ministry of Fuel and power to the Defence Committee in 1946 .
7 Political honours have to pass the scrutiny of a committee made up of Lords Shackleton , Pym and Grimond , a team scrupulously chosen to represent the three main strands of opinion in parliament , and each of them himself the recipient of a life peerage at an earlier date .
8 As a result , we will advise you of the latest schedules on your Final Invoice , but we will not advise you of any timing changes at an earlier date .
9 Plumb and Sayers were also charged with breaking into Ransomes cycle shop in Victoria Road , Alton , at an earlier date and stealing £1,600 of goods including clothing , cycles parts , pumps and sunglasses .
10 If the action project were succeeding in sustaining at home people who without its services would have been in an institution at an earlier date , then we would expect the action sample clients still at home at six months and 12 months to be more disadvantaged in the possession of factors likely to affect home care potential .
11 They were first styled nobiles viri only in 1256 , and a tendency towards a late crystallization of a titled noblesse at this level is found in much of south-west France , with the possible exception of the vicomté of Béarn and other areas where primogeniture and impartible inheritance were established at an earlier date .
12 The new President , himself called " a stooge of communism " by the Wisconsin Senator at an earlier date , was known to detest McCarthy personally .
13 It has been claimed that the confused clutter of furnishings and knick-knacks commonly associated with the Victorians became fashionable only after the 1870s ; but that impression , if only by contrast with the Regency , is certainly made upon novelists at an earlier date .
14 It is clear , therefore , that the property which vests in the trustee when an adjudication order is made includes property which was vested in the bankrupt at an earlier date .
15 The Mercians would seem to have had influence in Berkshire at an earlier date in the reign of Wulfhere and the same may well have been true of Somerset , in which case what Aethelbald was doing was appropriating border territories traditionally in dispute between the Mercians and the western Saxons .
16 Since the matter is important , I wonder if you would take the trouble to write to me again , indicating particularly whether such other arrangements as you will be making are likely to commence at an earlier date than one might otherwise suppose .
17 The measures would remain in place for 12 months , unless rescinded at an earlier date .
18 It is probable that plague remained a constant threat , even if it is less well recorded in contemporary writings than at an earlier date ; probably men were more inured to its presence than they had been in the first shock of 1348 .
19 While many of the towns which prospered grew on their manufacture of textiles , York , which had been a cloth town at an earlier date , had been affected by the shift of manufacturing to the West Riding , as well as by the decline of Hull as an export centre .
20 Bridbury also suggests , from the admissions to the freedom of the boroughs , that the ranks of the citizens were being widened , and that even at a time when rural conditions provided more incentive for men to remain in the country than at an earlier date the towns were still able to attract them ( 61 , pp.62–4 ( Tables , 65–9 ) ) .
21 Impending bankruptcy It may be preferred to activate the power to expel at an earlier date in the bankruptcy process so as to minimise the damage caused to the firm by protracted , and possibly contested proceedings .
22 It would be anomalous if the right to rescind was lost at an earlier date when the misrepresentation does not become a term of the contract .
23 At an earlier meeting , Bobby Lawrence had asked me for my initial reaction to the management buying the company .
24 At an earlier meeting , in Turnberry ( Scotland ) on June 7-8 , the North Atlantic Council ( of NATO Foreign Ministers ) had announced outline proposals for improving co-operation with the Warsaw Pact and set the agenda for the forthcoming summit .
25 The EC Trade and Agriculture Ministers , meeting in Brussels on Jan. 10-11 , had restated their reservations ( expressed at an earlier meeting on Dec. 23 ) , saying that " insofar as the Dunkel paper calls into question the foundation of the Communities ' agricultural policy , the paper is not acceptable " .
26 At an earlier meeting in Riyadh , GCC trade and finance ministers on May 31 agreed on a goal of a common market by the year 2000 .
27 Mr Saunders goes on to admit that broadcasters are not entirely blameless in this respect : ‘ More should no doubt have been done at an earlier stage in development of RDS to give the receiver manufacturing industry some guidelines setting out the minimum levels of RDS performance that should be achieved ’ .
28 If either had applied promptly , the appellant would have brought into the action at an earlier stage and the defendant would , in all probability , have been forced to give consideration then to the making of a claim to contribution in respect of his liability , if proved , to the plaintiff .
29 At an earlier stage the council had accepted the architects ' proposal to replace the chainlink fencing around the adjacent churchyard with cast-iron railings of period appearance .
30 The rest is up to the children , music included ; as Runswick and music director Terry Edwards discovered on their rounds of the schools at an earlier stage in the project , the teachers had only to supervise , rarely to prompt or invent-solid preparation indeed for the GCSE 's new emphasis on composition .
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