Example sentences of "at an [adj] stage " in BNC.

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1 Like all screening programmes endoscopic surveillance of the duodenum in FAP patients seeks to detect treatable lesions at an asymptomatic stage and this has been achieved .
2 If there is a whisper of redundancy , do not be deflected by talk that it is all in the very early stages , too soon for public discussion , and by promises that there will be plenty of opportunities for comment and debate at an appropriate stage later on .
3 At an appropriate stage before page make-up , the system must identify all ‘ soft ’ hyphens , flag them as errors , and require users to delete them , or replace them with ‘ hard ’ hyphens .
4 Research students are expected to attend and may be asked to contribute a paper on their research programme for discussion at an appropriate stage in its progress .
5 Our next experiment tested directly whether C.C. 's visual system represents left-sided information at a preattentive stage of figure-ground segregation , but subsequently loses this information for the derived figures at an attentional stage .
6 Both forms of development are already evident at an evolutionary stage , and there , as in later more consciously social development , the analytically separable processes are usually in practice inextricable .
7 His on-stage father would unsnap the child 's clothes , which were held together at the back by a clasp , pack them with toothbrush , pyjamas , and reading matter , and throw the patient luggage at an assistant stage manager dressed as a railway porter .
8 Obvious examples are travelling or living abroad , the husband having to be away for long periods , having to relocate , changing children 's schools at an awkward stage in their career , having to do a lot of company entertaining .
9 This allows a court to grant summary judgement at an interlocutory stage , where a defendant is shown to have no hope of success .
10 It is clear from Sullivan v West Yorkshire Passenger Executive [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 134 that motor engineers ' evidence can not now be excluded per se at an interlocutory stage , but Hinds v London Transport Executive [ 1979 ] RTR 103 is still good law in so far as the trial judge is still likely to disregard such evidence if it just argues out the cause of the accident without dealing with any real engineering matters .
11 The frequent battle between parents and child when the latter is at an adolescent stage of self-assertion while the parents — or one of them — strive to retain the old family structure is a case in point .
12 Liley , with a try , five penalties and two conversions at Welford Road on Saturday , is already ahead of Hare at an equivalent stage in the Leicester programme .
13 As we have already seen , a boy might not have got beyond typesetting at an equivalent stage either , nor did he automatically get much further anyway ; but the girls were almost all set to handsetting for the firm once they were competent at it .
14 Firstly , mid-classes are groups of phonemes which are easily confused at an acoustic-phonetic stage of processing : thus and are grouped into one mid-class , since [ m ] and [ n ] are are often nearly identical from an acoustic point of view .
15 are still at an incompetent stage , they still are unable to carry out the job .
16 Photo-Me 's identity card venture is still at an embryonic stage , accounting for only 2 ½%; of turnover .
17 As a result , Haslam inherited what was then the plastic-film group , which was at an embryonic stage of development .
18 For example , early indicators of investment success under a cost-leadership strategy might be the proof , at an embryonic stage of the life-cycle , that the product matches its rivals in quality but is being produced at lower cost .
19 If they can do this , a change of plan at an early stage can usually prevent the situation from developing and leading to an accident .
20 ( 1966 : 72 ) recognized such unobtrusive measures have found favour in field-work and I discovered at an early stage that the problem remains one of revealing the structural warts of the system while somehow indicating that this need not be seditious ; and indeed might even be of some value .
21 At an early stage he worked out that the cell faced west .
22 I drew this to the attention of Mellowes , my line manager , at an early stage and he had made vague noises about something being in the pipeline .
23 At an early stage in the proceedings , SLOA recognised that , with the phasing out of Mk 1 stock , main-line steam operation ( successfully revived in 1971 ) was in jeopardy .
24 The first witness had decided at an early stage not to travel to Dublin ; the second only recently made his decision not to give evidence .
25 These companies realized at an early stage that there is no point in trying to compete with the majors in releasing daytime radio or ‘ Top of the Pops ’ material , and that it would be better to find acts who have proved popular on the live circuit but who are considered too left field for the majors .
26 The assertion of the existence of the totally communal gens at an early stage in the history of mankind was what drew Marx and Engels to Morgan .
27 It was decided at an early stage that future designs could no longer be coach-built on separate custom-made chassis , as was the case with the now-deleted Bentley Continental and Rolls-Royce Corniche coupes ( which still exist as convertibles ) , but would have to be built on the regular production lines at Crewe alongside the conventional monocoque four-door saloon models .
28 A major problem that arose at an early stage was the reconciliation of the local authority 's requirements for one car-parking space per flat with the DoE 's refusal to fund a scheme in which the entire ground floor would be used for parking .
29 The three independent directors on the Saga board said last night that they had noted the possible offer , adding that discussions ‘ are at an early stage ’ and a further announcement would be made ‘ as soon as practicable ’ .
30 It could have helped clarify a number of issues at an early stage and possibly saved people a lot of money and anguish . ’
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