Example sentences of "at a low [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When the technical skills of the big-budge filmmakers were combined with the ideas of those working at a lower level , the result was the possibility of a thriving national cinema .
2 Your suggestion for A-levels , to keep one in-depth subject and cover five or six others at a lower level , will not work ( April 27th ) .
3 Graduates pass final examinations in a minimum of six subjects , three at a higher level , similar to A-level , and three at a lower level .
4 High winds and snowfalls have , however , grounded at a lower level the powerful US Navy Sea Stallion helicopters used to transport the slabs .
5 His classification into personal and projected play represents a hierarchy of abstraction ; dramatic activities using oneself as the medium of expression standing at a lower level on the table of abstraction than dramatic activities using media other than oneself .
6 Initially , the post had been envisaged at a lower level , but the Lords select committee pushed for this power .
7 The stream bed below is normally dry as the water percolates through at a lower level .
8 A few yards from the exit of Upper Long Churn Cave and at a lower level is the entrance to Lower Long Churn Cave ; this may also be safely explored , the gloom being diffused by daylight entering a fissure in the roof , to the point where the stream sinking in Upper Long Churn Cave enters in a waterfall after a short journey underground .
9 In the French LFAs , subsidised loans are the more common incentive for capital developments ; capital grants are fixed at a lower level than in the UK and are related to the degree of handicap .
10 D. Often you will find another vertical pipe down to more caverns at a lower level .
11 Nonetheless , it did seek to address the problems identified during the FAOR analysis , albeit at a lower level of attainment in the initial stages .
12 Teaching is almost always by the expository method of demonstration and description , and the kind of learning involved is at a lower level of the hierarchy .
13 This branch of medicine studies the effects of brief high-dose exposures ( as during an industrial accident ) and long-term exposures at a lower level ( but still much higher than most people would encounter ) .
14 In a similar way , ‘ mat ’ might be a neutral word for you — unless , perhaps , you are a member of the Islamic faith when it may be associated with your religious observances , or ( at a lower level ) you may have just lost a great deal of money in an investment in floor coverings !
15 They give some impression of the life and environment of the wealthy and influential but cause one to forget , or overlook , the lives of the majority of people living at a lower level of survival — a majority that probably includes the makers of the art object .
16 Quote : ‘ It seems likely that a diet in which sugars and starches are taken in natural fibre-rich form would contribute to the control of obesity by encouraging satiety at a lower level of energy intake , and to a lesser extent by increasing the amount of potential energy lost in the faeces . ’
17 Cultivation extends to about 600m , ending at a lower level on the colder north side of the island .
18 It could also sustain redistributive policies that might be very difficult to operate at a lower level .
19 The northern half of the piazza , which was left at a lower level to accommodate a pedestrian subway ( unbuilt as yet ) to the nearby Forum des Halles shopping centre , will be filled in .
20 The notion of ‘ translation ’ just given covers a distinction that will be important for the purposes of this paper : a program at a given level can be either interpreted or compiled into a program at a lower level of language .
21 There is an alternative route which is longer and involves slightly more climbing , but it stays at a lower level , never rising higher than 1,600ft .
22 Compared with a lettuce , for example , our rose roots are going to work at a lower level , and at planting time are going to have to work and make fresh growth ( become established ) in that second spit region .
23 Moss is concerned by what he heard at the COSE announcement that the companies aim to achieve systems management harmony at a lower level , perhaps at an applications level , than the single high-level link Tivoli is offering .
24 Moss is concerned by what he heard at the COSE announcement that they aim to achieve systems management harmony at a lower level , perhaps at an applications level , than the single high-level link Tivoli is offering .
25 Its existing technology — the Transparent Network Facility that it developed for IBM 's now defunct RT 6150-T25 machines ( UX No 312 ) — interfaces to the network at a lower level .
26 But involvement of general practitioners ( other than the lead clinician ) in other aspects of fundholding ( such as setting and monitoring contracts ) was at a lower level .
27 In this case , however , the economy will operate at a lower level of income and expenditure .
28 I turned and overflew the field again at a lower level .
29 A similar , if less dramatic , process ‘ was taking place at a lower level ; new urban districts were being carved out of the rural districts ’ ( Keith-Lucas and Richards 1978:200 ) .
30 At a lower level , the portership of Beeston went to William Brenner after the death of the previous holder .
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