Example sentences of "at a particular [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And tonight , her desperate impatience to go out at a particular hour
2 Using the special version of the DIM statement to reserve an area of memory is the simplest way for short programs which do not have to be located at a particular memory address .
3 Thus , an image can be considered to be a mixture of components , each component representing variation at a particular scale .
4 The period thus reaches ∞ at a particular voltage .
5 Occasionally too he saw crows flocking and feeding at a particular part of a sheep pasture — sometimes at a dead sheep but more often at the placenta left behind where a lamb had been born .
6 Yes , the publications will be technology reliant but for the historian looking at a particular subject , there is also key word searching , text retrieval , ( to abstracts as well as full text ) and all on a physically smaller source ( CD-ROM ) .
7 The thickness of a weathering mantle at a particular locality represents a balance between the rate of bedrock weathering and the rate of removal of weathered material by denudational agents ( Fig. 6.10 ) .
8 ACCESSIBILITY — can the enterprise actually direct its marketing effort at a particular segment , both in terms of product/product development , and marketing mix ?
9 This is because classically they have a well-defined location at a particular instant whose specification is part of what is involved in saying that they are in the same state of motion .
10 If you are getting married at a particular church or synagogue you may be granted access to a library not normally opened to the public .
11 Some models allow you to lock the blade at a particular angle to the saw body .
12 Based on the shape of this receptive field , they then search for the stimulus that gives the best response from it , and in Figure 7 you see that one particular cell responded best to movement of a bar oriented at a particular angle , and also that it only responded when this bar moved in one direction .
13 Finally , even if all the factors mentioned so far are not influencing the cat , it may still turn its nose up at a particular dish of food .
14 When there are several poles and zeros , the strength of the spectrum at a particular pulsatance ο is obtained by taking the product of the lengths of the various vectors drawn from the zeros to the point on the imaginary axis and dividing this by the product of the lengths of the several vectors drawn from the poles to the same point on the imaginary axis .
15 Social benefits are not solely restricted to cash returns but include any favourable effects that may affect members of the community at large ; for example , the time saved in travelling because a hospital is sited at a particular location .
16 This enables predictions of ozone formation at a particular location to be made and allows local authorities to take remedial action .
17 Green of Ambleside ’ by waggon were ready for collection at a particular address in London .
18 The physical setting of a parish influenced not only the ways in which a family might farm their land or work at a particular craft but also such basic matters as whether they lived in a village , a hamlet or an isolated farmstead , whether or not they had valuable rights of common to go with their farms or cottages , and sometimes the type of tenure by which they held their land .
19 Industrialized villages were naturally most numerous in the North and parts of the Midlands , but even in the South some nineteenth-century rural communities were sustained to a large extent by wages earned at a particular craft .
20 Most bottom-dwelling trilobites preferred to live at a particular water depth , or on a particular type of sea bottom ( mud , sand or lime ) .
21 From knowing the actual word that should have been written at a particular position in the input , a simple NAWK program was written which loaded the target word for each position into an associative array , then went through the Q100 lattice and printed out the recognition score assigned to each target word .
22 If the target word was the only word selected at a particular position and was below the threshold score then it was replaced by ‘ ? ? ? ’ — the recogniser 's indication that it is unable to recognise any word .
23 There is some sense in this comment which may well explain the position of the Situationists at a particular conjunction , but it is a sense which would also explain earlier avant-garde trends in art ( if not cinema ) since , say , Futurism .
24 During the 1987 election we set a carefully timed an organised arrival at a particular airport .
25 On Dec. 5 , 1990 , the Commission put forward proposals to make it illegal for certain airlines to agree on standard fares or to distribute all available take-off and landing slots at a particular airport among themselves .
26 The trainee feels that he or she is flying a real aircraft , and can see the view from the cockpit just as if ( s ) he were actually approaching the runway at a particular airport .
27 Coins , especially those of precious metal , were made at a particular standard of so many coins to a unit of weight ( be this a Roman scripulum or an English grain ) .
28 Where boys are most likely to drop this stance is when a whole group is having a go at a particular character , as this group is with Dot Cotton :
29 It 's crucial that even a basic name and address system can get at a particular name , or group of names , as quickly as possible .
30 What is controversial about functionalism is its claim that we are going to be able to make significant generalizations about behaviour only if we think about what is going on in the brain at a particular level of description .
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