Example sentences of "at the bad [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although she had never shown even the remotest sign of lameness I was looking at the worst case of hip dysplasia I had seen for some time .
2 At the worst times she refused to leave her armchair in the lounge all day and occasionally overnight , saying she was too frightened to go to bed or to the bathroom .
3 and all this at the worst point of the war .
4 Her caravan was at the worst end of the site , surrounded by a sea of mud whenever it rained , and close to the rubbish dump .
5 Him , with him : the worst man in the worst place at the worst time .
6 LEEDS UNIVERSITY must surely rank at the worst venue in Europe .
7 LEEDS UNIVERSITY must surely rank at the worst venue in Europe .
8 This reflection went far to set up Harry again in his own esteem , for it meant that Isambard had been sure of his victim 's obstinate silence even under torture ; more sure of it , if the truth were told , than Harry himself had been at the worst moment .
9 The path down to the sea was certainly steep but Brian noticed that at the worst bends , new paling had been erected .
10 At the bad moments do n't look back and think , Well at least I 'm a major in the British Army .
11 After the next fifty yards I drew it out and took a look at the bad news .
12 I write to say how appalled I was at the bad manners of BAIE members at the Editing for Industry awards dinner in Torquay .
13 It 's a gun pull it at the bad guys and shoot .
14 She had thought the quantities of gilt ( never did she credit that it might be real gold ) an evidence of shocking vulgarity , had sneered at the bad taste of the ornate picture frames , at the ridiculous excesses of the pictures themselves , and had felt a solid , suburban scorn for the frayed and patched tapestry chair seats and the faded hangings : she had wondered why , if so rich , they did not throw out their tatty Persian coverings , and buy themselves a good bit of fitted Wilton or Axminster in a good plain colour .
15 At the Bad Step above the sea beyond Coruisk I wondered at my lack of responsibility .
16 Dianne was quite unaware of my sickening misgivings at the Bad Step and rightly so .
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