Example sentences of "at the right moment " in BNC.

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1 It is just because whatever one has planned to do is bound to be altered in the process that it is important to start at the right moment , he wrote .
2 Additional airbrake should be available to make the glider stop floating at the right moment .
3 It was just that I happened to ask at the right moment .
4 ‘ At ordinary times we do not read novels at all , as you may imagine , but the right novel at the right moment can have a real spiritual value . ’
5 We just hit at the right moment and from that week onwards , at least 90 people turned up every week .
6 It was a great relief that they would no longer have to scheme some way of getting Anna out , at the right moment , while he himself was touring somewhere .
7 It is important that selection decisions are timed at the right moment in this chain .
8 Chapman had kept a close watch on Speirs ' feud with Bradford City , and moved in just at the right moment .
9 Incidentally the lesson would have been better if there had been more tape recorders in the school and if the tape had been ready at the right moment .
10 Then at the right moment the two beams of particles could be brought together to collide .
11 Each pixel must be individually addressed by a voltage to give the right shade at the right moment .
12 The writer discovered or was introduced to Robinson Crusoe too early , so that it appeared to be a tedious book ; Mervyn Peake 's Gormenghast trilogy appeared a little too late , so that he accepted it with a little less excitement than it deserved ; and Proust 's Remembrance of things past came at the right moment when he had the tenacity for the task .
13 One of the arts of the parent , the teacher , and the librarian is to ensure that the right book is in the right hands at the right moment .
14 Certainly she had seen something moving in the forest that day on Ridgery Steep , something fairly large , something white , and Allen had failed to see it ; but then it was possible that he had not looked in the right spot at the right moment and that his failure to see it was an accident .
15 At the same time I placed a leg between his ; the object being to prevent him bringing up his knee against my balls.The plan was to throw both of us to the ground — at the right moment .
16 He was the right man , at the right moment .
17 The right shot at the right moment does not come because you do not let go of yourself .
18 Two of these they spotted as the German pilots began diving onto the Hurricanes tails , and at the right moment Westmacott carried out a hard climbing turn , coming out behind one of the Messerschmitts as it began to pull up .
19 Companies often recruit staff from speculative letters they have kept on file , and your letter may arrive just at the right moment .
20 I think he 's at the bottom of a bog with a hole in his head and they 're waiting to scoop her up at the right moment .
21 This new expansion of the department has come at the right moment for the National Railway Museum in view of the recent acquisition of the Ian Allan negative collection .
22 Secondly , and most serious , are allegations of ‘ Clever Hans ’ errors ; named after the German horse early in the century that gave correct answers to arithmetical problems shown it on a blackboard ( by tapping with its hoof ) until it was unmasked as reacting to unwitting symptoms of tension in its trainer which caused it to stop at the right moment .
23 This is achieved by holding down the fire button until the meter below the energy bar reaches maximum , then releasing it at the right moment .
24 The Collector had gone up to join Ford on the roof because he wanted to be in a position from which he could give the order to retreat at the right moment ; in his own mind there was no doubt but that he would have to give it sooner or later .
25 Encouragement at the right moment is as water to a thirsty plant .
26 We may make an easy start with the short circuit and a bit more , but do we not then have to include in the circumstance the absence of a burst in a water pipe at the right moment ?
27 With respect to the short circuit and the house fire , it is true that since a set of conditions obtained , there was the fire , and this would still have occurred so long as , say , there was not a flood at the right moment .
28 Nowadays , Saint-Jean deals chiefly in the large if unappetizing tuna and the extremely appetizing but , compared with the whale , somewhat trivial catch , of anchovies ; but it is a town that smells very satisfactorily of brine and can be loud with the engines of trawlers if you go down to the harbour at the right moment .
29 ( It was used to make a " gun-shot " by being popped at the right moment , thereby creating the wrong time for the murder .
30 If you play back a recording of the rehearsal , consider whether you spoke at the right pace , and particularly whether you made an impressive pause at the right moment .
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