Example sentences of "at the [num ord] congress " in BNC.

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1 At the 13th congress of the Spanish Communist Party ( PCE ) in Madrid on Dec. 19-22 a key issue was the PCE 's future as an independent party within the United Left ( IU ) alliance .
2 At the Second Congress of the RSDWP those who opposed Lenin — the Mensheviks — sought to dilute the revolutionary purity of the party and weaken its discipline .
3 At the Second Congress in 1920 Indian delegate M. N. Roy 's counter-thesis that the fate of the revolution in Europe depended upon the success or otherwise of the revolution in colonial countries was adopted in a weaker form .
4 This echoed the ambivalence of the original 1920 Lenin and Roy theses on the colonial question in general , formulated as an interim measure in what Lenin saw as an inconclusive debate at the Second Congress .
5 At the Eleventh Congress , held in December 1929. a completely reformed Central Committee was elected with Harry Pollitt. an upholder of the Comintern 's policy .
6 At the Twenty-Third Congress of the CPSU in March 1966 Brezhnev attacked the Western states for scattering ‘ numerous military bases throughout the world ’ and deploying ‘ contingents of their armed forces on the territories of other countries ’ .
7 I was pleased to renew friendships made over two years ago at the First Congress of Black Catholics , and it was a joy to be again in a crowd of African , Afro-Caribbean and Asian Catholics where for once I was not the only black face in a sea of white ones .
8 Meanwhile , in 1918 , following the retirement of the Rev W B Sleight as President , the Rev F W Gilby M.A. agreed to occupy this position as a stop-gap until the election of a successor at the first Congress after the end of the First World War .
9 The question of forming an independent union had sharply divided delegates during the five days of debate , despite having been approved in principle at the first congress in June [ see p. 37617 ] .
10 At the first congress of the Socialist Party of Labour ( SPL ) on Aug. 11 in Bucharest , a former Prime Minister under Nicolae Ceausescu , Ilie Verdet , was elected president .
11 Eleven years later the World Federation of the Deaf at the seventh Congress in Washington awarded him an International Solidarity Merit Award , and Gallaudet College , taking advantage of his presence made him the first recipient of a medallion for " outstanding international service to the deaf " , which he received at a special convention attended by the Vice-President of the United States .
12 Kravchenko came in for fierce criticism at the seventh congress of the USSR Journalists ' Union held on Feb. 5-7 , over the return of political censorship of state television , as witnessed recently in the withdrawal of the Vzglyad documentary series and the return by the flagship news programme Vremya to official propaganda and exhortation .
13 Bui Thien Ngo , hitherto Permanent Vice-Minister of the Interior , had also replaced Tho in the politburo at the seventh congress .
14 Nguyen Manh Cam , 62 , became Foreign Minister in place of Nguyen Co Thach , another of the late Le Duc Tho 's associates who had been removed from the politburo at the seventh congress .
15 At the Seventh Congress of the Comintern in 1935 the trade union policy pursued since 1928 was tacitly admitted to have been a blunder .
16 At the seventh Congress of People 's Deputies in December , deputies fearing a snap declaration of presidential rule summoned key ministers to say where they stood .
17 While Pollitt was not satisfied that the United Front was being used sufficiently to the advantage of the Party , he warned at the Thirteenth Congress in February 1935 that the Communists should not be too obviously in control of the campaign for Unity .
18 The National Conference of the Communist Party , which met in Sheffield in October 1935 , passed a resolution which departed considerably from the slogan " For a Communist Group in Parliament " adopted at the Thirteenth Congress only eight months previously .
19 At the Twenty-Second Congress of the CPSU Khrushchev attacked the Shah of Iran for having agreed ‘ to turn almost half the country into a zone of death in the interests of the aggressive CENTO bloc ’ .
20 At the 28th Congress of the CPSU in Moscow in the summer of 1990 , it was already obvious that the 20 million party members had begun to splinter into fractions .
21 Politburo ‘ conservatives ’ hardly had a coherent programme , and their numbers were subject to continual attrition ( Ligachev , who left the leadership after his defeat at the 28th Congress , was a notable casualty ) .
22 As Tomsky put it at the Fifth Congress of Trade Unions on 2 October 1922 : ‘ Without the strengthening and support of transport there can be no construction of socialism . ’
23 When he made what may be argued were his next intellectually significant appearances , in 1923 at the Peasant International and in 1924 at the Fifth Congress of the Communist International , he had moved on from the French Communist Party and was now accepted in Russia as a revolutionary of considerable promise .
24 At the Fifth Congress the colonial question began to be perceived as an essential factor for the triumph of socialism on a world scale .
25 Choummali Saignakong , who had been promoted from alternate to full politburo membership at the fifth congress , replaced Khamtay as Minister of National Defence .
26 Beneath it all lay Khrushchev 's hostility to the ‘ cult of personality ’ , declared at the twentieth Congress and afterwards at the very time that Mao 's personality cult was endowing him with almost divine status .
27 Even after Khrushchev announced , at the Twentieth Congress of the Communist party of the Soviet Union ( CPSU ) in 1956 , that the Soviet Union had abandoned its strictly bipolar view of the world and was ready to open up relations with the developing nations , there was little change in Moscow 's attitude towards Latin America , which had recently been ‘ vindicated ’ by US covert involvement in the 1954 overthrow of the Arbenz government in Guatemala .
28 It was therefore at the next Congress in August 1959 in Wiesbaden , Germany , that the BDDA participated for the first time as a member country with an official delegation of ten : Dr Eric Greenaway .
29 Ortega promised that at the next congress , scheduled for 1995 , the DN would be elected by individual votes directly cast in a secret ballot and that a woman would be elected to the leadership .
30 At the last Congress of the Romanian Communist party in November 1989 , they added Valentin to the Party 's Central Committee where he joined his brother and uncles , but even in the heat of the revolution a month later , no one thought to use his promotion as a serious charge against Valentin Ceauşescu .
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