Example sentences of "at least the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But Courtney said he hoped that at least the factual part of the document would be made public .
2 At least the 6-hour time limit narrows the mind .
3 They tended to cast doubt on the objective nature of the atonement — at least the Catholic scholastics and Reformers had held on to that — stressing instead the subjective changes wrought in mankind by Christ 's sacrifice ( such as a growth in God-consciousness or moral transformation ) .
4 At least the Japanese show conclusively that the notion of continual cost reduction is not redundant , as some critics of the learning-experience-curve phenomenon seem to suggest .
5 From 1943 onwards , Los Angeles began to experience increasingly frequent episodes of a brownish , hazy , irritating and altogether mysterious new kind of air pollution that was more persistent than , and quite different from , the instances of smoky fog which had troubled major urban centres from at least the mid 1800s onwards ( Krier and Ursin , 1977 ) .
6 The next stop is to try and determine the best arrangement of the components on the board , and it often helps if at least the major parts ( large transformers , relays etc. ) are to hand so that the designer can visualise the arrangement of the components .
7 Most Soviet citizens , however , appeared to have remained loyal to their native language in their domestic and family life , and there was little sign of the disappearance of at least the major Soviet languages , most of which were still spoken by the great majority of the nationalities in question ( the 1979 census found that 62 per cent of non-Russians were fluent in that language , but that 93 per cent of the population identified their national language as their native one ; the 1989 census found that the reported level of knowledge of Russian had actually fallen among at least two national groups , the Uzbeks and Lithuanians ) .
8 Many ministers , the most famous of whom were J. Guinness Rogers and A. M. Fairbairn , wrote in the leading monthlies , at least the Liberal ones , and for many years the Congregational minister of Union Chapel , Islington , Henry Allon , edited the much respected British Quarterly Review .
9 At least the evergreen Granada is good value in this company .
10 However , a steady increase in new cases among heterosexuals would carry on for at least the medium term .
11 Like the Zande they live in the southern Sudan and have been studied by Evans-Pritchard , so that at least the personal equation can be held constant in comparisons between these two cultures .
12 I 'll reiterate here that the complexity — or at least the perceived complexity — of the Alpha 's operation could limit its market as far as first time buyers go .
13 At least the disgusting taste of mint concentrated his mind .
14 At least the poor bloody infantry in the trenches during the First World War did n't have to put up with that .
15 At least the upper parts of this sequence could , by analogy with the Alum Shale of the Baltic , be considered worth investigation for possible oil source rocks .
16 At least the lost afternoon guaranteed a certain spontaneity .
17 In Spain it was distorted and cut short by the crisis of 1789 and the French invasion of 1808 , but not before it had modified , if not the traditional structure of society , at least the traditional attitudes .
18 At least the European Communities Act , if I remember rightly , had been the subject of a debate or two .
19 It may be that it is those least disposed to commit suicide who join the cult in the first place , but at least the systematic comparison of variables has led to the question being raised .
20 But we need to have a degree of common ownership of at least the broad parameters of what the world may look like , and we then seek the whole time to simplify down and down and down .
21 One may anticipate the conclusions of the following discussion of the fifteenth-century Muftilik by saying that while both traditions are less than satisfactory and while , in the present state of knowledge , there are questions of considerable importance which remain unresolved , on the particular point of the origins of the institution there is some evidence to support at least the broad outlines of the Mustakimzade tradition , however vexed the details may be ; whereas , on the other hand , not only is there a lack of positive evidence to support the Katib Celebi tradition , there is also a certain weight of evidence , largely of a negative nature , against it .
22 What is envisaged is that at least the above six mentioned countries will form a currency union by the end of the decade , while the remaining EC countries enter into an EMS type relationship with the union until they have converged sufficiently to become union members .
23 If modernization means the differentiation of fields , postmodernization means at least the partial collapse of some fields into other fields .
24 Most Victorian cities had been urban centres since at least the Middle Ages , though of course they had been tiny in comparison with the size they attained in the nineteenth century .
25 Maui was a little better — at least the interior decorator finished , even if it was in the worst possible taste , but the Seychelles took the cake. ! . ’
26 He has a habit of playing in at least the inaugural event held on one of his lay-outs and in December 1988 fully intended to play in the Austrian Open of 1989 .
27 At least the blatant rudeness was explained , Virginia thought bleakly .
28 Full realisation of the meaning of the partial divergence in styles of appeal between parliament and country requires recognition of at least the limited equation of ‘ enthusiasm ’ with popular opinion .
29 At least the Spanish authorities had been conducting a professional search .
30 But soon the big stories were written in the knowledge that readers would know at least the bare bones from a news bulletin , and the 24-hour cycle of the daily paper lost much of its point as a news medium .
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