Example sentences of "at least the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They were yellow with age and patched many times but at least the boy would be clean and warm .
2 At least the government can answer those who say its attitude to retroactive legislation is inconsistent .
3 The nature of those policies with their emphases on private sector developments , home ownership and small businesses , suggests that in part at least the Government is seeking to produce electoral change by introducing traditional Conservative supporters to areas where the party has been very weak — as , for example , in many of the residential developments in London 's Docklands .
4 They have to dance to the Russian tune , or at least the government does .
5 So be it , at least the course was opened .
6 At least the man was wise enough to know how dangerous he was .
7 A linguistic item must in general have at least the complexity of a simple sentence to show such properties .
8 Here at least the output is guaranteed to be an acceptable word , although more than one may result .
9 You should always , for example , try to make sure that at least the text in the columns lines up across the page-headings and sub-headings may well not but the text really should .
10 The selection of the lead cases was aimed to ensure that the great majority of the very important points of law which are at issue in all cases are authoritatively decided , and it is hoped that , as a result , clear guidance will be given to the large number of remaining cases which are stayed , leading to settlements ( or at least the elimination of some issues common to the lead cases ) and the avoidance of a multiplicity of litigation .
11 The Committee would have liked to secure legislation which ensured that at least the existence of every computerised system handling personal information was known : such provisions apply in other Western democracies , but the British tradition of shielding National Security matters even from Parliamentary scrutiny militated against such disclosures here .
12 At least the existence of a range of alternative modes of provision as between one local authority and another widens the choice available .
13 Well , at least the pub still had all its windows .
14 And it was to restore order , as much as anything , that a nominally Vietnamese administration provided at least the façade of an ‘ independent ’ Vietnamese government .
15 And referee trying to prize them apart , to keep at least the pretence of a fight going .
16 SANDY LYLE conducted another exercise in self-immolation while Chip Beck discovered that his gunpowder was damp and useless but at least the American left a legacy after his first visit to the Suntory World Matchplay Championship .
17 With regard to the first lies my group has come to the conclusion that there is a way in which the employment development budget can be augmented to specifically reserve at least the part of the current posish provision provided by the cooperative development erm we stand by our opinion that there are ways in which that service can be more efficiently administered that this is a sensible way forward .
18 It is not quite the status of an accredited representative , but at least the door will not be shut in the face of any State which finds itself in the position that we and the Germans did in the early 1970s .
19 Bertram explains the male 's tolerance of cubs at kills by the fact that there is a high probability that it is his child or at least the child of the other male , which is itself closely related to him .
20 The broadsheet idea , or at least the name , was borrowed by The Times newspaper in the First World War , when it organised the printing and distribution of literary extracts , reminiscent of home , for the comfort of the troops .
21 The retention of title is an arrangement whereby the seller of goods retains title to the goods until at least the buyer of the goods pays for them .
22 The same author goes on to say that there are cases where land reform , or at least the break-up of large latifundia or estates , had actually accelerated environmental decline , as in Bolivia in the 1950s or after the emancipation of serfs in Russia in 1816 .
23 Yet at least the storm does seem to be over , and the peasants are picking up fallen sticks in the devastated forest .
24 At least the ventilation is improved .
25 On the Saturday these included BAe 's Mosquito while Sunday saw the DH.88 Comet Racer making a flying visit from Old Warden and Desmond Penrose also brought his Arrow Active II across from there to give a very spirited display — the aircraft just about qualifying as at least the engine is a Gipsy III !
26 By the end of the 1960s , most comprehensive schools were offering at least the core of a common curriculum to most of the pupils in Year One .
27 [ since ] the aim of achieving a strong competitive position in international markets , or at least the concern not to be at a disadvantage in comparison with competitors in other countries was one of the chief arguments advanced by some of the first employers ' associations against proposals for social reforms through protective labour and social legislation .
28 We had almost completely forgotten about Christmas — but at least the kitchen was finished . ’
29 Er reading this article or at least the heading from it and the bit in the paper , you got the impression that solicitors were as bad as banks .
30 Make a full-size drawing of at least the bracket .
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