Example sentences of "at least [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was probably no ( easy ) alternative to the use of temporary workers ; and if they were to be employed , at least such workers should otherwise have the same rights as regular workers .
2 The ‘ bad mood ’ syndrome brought on by an offensive odour and the resulting symptoms of annoyance can lead to antisocial behaviour ; relationships with family , friends and others become strained , the persons most affected perhaps blaming other members of the family for the position in which they find themselves and which they consider intolerable , leading in extreme cases to marriage problems or at least much unhappiness .
3 The resources available for safety have increased from £140 million to about £200 million for the current year , and are likely to continue at at least that level .
4 At least that generation knows how to behave at a first night … ’
5 The warehouse has been empty for many years , but holding repairs have meant at least that water penetration to the fabric is reduced .
6 Maybe we leave it where it is , but at least that price is on the table .
7 It was one of those brilliantly simple ideas people always wish they had had themselves , and believe that somehow they could have had ; no need to incur any extra expense or make any more sizes than anybody else , or necessarily to distinguish one 's product in other way , yet just by the idea one has a potential market of half the jeans-buying public , or at least that proportion of it which has always felt that they are somehow perpetually between the usual sizes .
8 Special paints do n't have a large range of colours to choose from , so at least that choice is simplified .
9 ‘ Hum , ’ said Jay , at least that way you do n't get your heart broken .
10 At least that way I can stop thinking , words bloody words . ’
11 At least that way I shall be able to stop you purloining Nero again .
12 Mossadeq declare that Iran did not need a settlement anyway ; much better that the country proceed as if it had no oil — at least that way it would not be exploited .
13 At least that way the remaining infants would be deloused , taught to read and write , fed , and Mrs Rattrie , by being separated from her husband — since paupers were not allowed to breed — would have been spared the trouble of having any more .
14 At least that way I would n't have got a note thanking me for a ‘ wonderful evening ’ that never happened . ’
15 It had never counted for anything that she 'd been the innocent victim , that she 'd had no control over the events which had shaped her life — she 'd carried the burden with her , locked into her soul , and at least that way she 'd felt relatively safe .
16 Erm the actual post I liked , I 'm glad it 's standing up above the horizon because at least that way , you know , i it does it 's given some dominance in the picture .
17 At least that way I shall feel more confident that it 's Labour Party members and supporters who are selecting candidates and electing the leader and deputy leader of the Labour Party and not a Liberal or Tory trade unionist who happens to be paying the political levy .
18 At least that way it wo n't delay anyone going off duty . ’
19 They led her into the interview-room , gave her a cup of tea and got her to sign the consent form — somewhat of a formality as the child was already in Theatre by this time , but at least that way they were covered in the event of any repercussions .
20 At least that way there is no way you can be held back by the so-called ‘ glass ceiling ’ — the phrase coined in the United States to describe the invisible barriers that allow women to rise only so far in an organisation .
21 At least that part was true .
22 Some of these crops , at least that part due to the thegns , were collected in central granaries , the barley enclosures , or berwicks .
23 The passages from Mank Ali and Ata'i concerning Abdulfettah do suggest , however , that there may well have been some connection between the pairs of concepts and that there is some basis for assuming that the " interior " referred to is the three cities of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa ( and environs ) and the " exterior " the rest of the empire or at least that part of it in which the learned hierarchy operated .
24 Some of their ideas were shown to work ; the counter-inflation programme ( or at least that part of it which closed the inflationary gap from the fiscal end ) was worked out by them and was a successful contrast to the experience of World War I. Yet by itself the explanation is inadequate .
25 ( a ) the cancellation of the whole of the issued and paid-up share capital of the target company ( or at least that part of the share capital not already owned by the bidder ) ; this will be effected by a reduction of share capital ;
26 In Gillick terms , the ability to make an informed request assumes the child to be old enough to make at least that decision for himself .
27 It is not surprising that there were many attracted to the idea that scientific knowledge was the only true kind , or at least that reasoning like that used in the sciences could solve all human problems .
28 Merge the funds and the deficit on the Mirror fund could be offset by the existing surplus , increasing the value of MGN by at least that amount at a stroke .
29 The evidence would suggest at least that Heahberht was established and secured in power in Kent through Offa 's intervention and support .
30 Since only adults set up households , all those who will do so in the next 15 years are alive now , and we can estimate accurately how many will actually be alive in each age group — except perhaps for the oldest age groups — for at least that period ahead .
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