Example sentences of "at [adv] twenty year " in BNC.

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1 Though Ciullo by Rossetti 's reckoning composed the poem in the 1170s , at least twenty years before Frederick Hohenstaufen came to the throne of Sicily , Pound in The Spirit of Romance juxtaposes the two names , presumably as ‘ an instigation ’ — though to what , it is not easy to say .
2 And here I had the advantage of at least twenty years already in the profession .
3 ‘ From now on , the infant will be reared as I explained , and not for at least twenty years will we be able to report in much detail on the results of our investigations , although preliminary papers will be published in the professional press from time to time .
4 In the case of Thailand , legislation has been on the statute books for at least twenty years , but its Constitution of October 1976 and Interim Constitution of November 1977 contain no mention of environmental protection at all , as also is the case of the Philippines ( Shane , in MacAndrews and Chia Lin Sien , eds. 1979 ) .
5 Yet , because of a prevailing conservatism among the sport 's administrators , most of these changes took at least twenty years to come about .
6 Our editorial secretary Sue has three goldfish in her two foot bank , one of which is at least twenty years old .
7 It must be at least twenty years since I first saw works by Basil Rocke .
8 She appeared to be at least twenty years older .
9 Otherwise judges are appointed from the ranks of barristers of at least ten or fifteen years ' standing and are likely to have had at least twenty years ' practice at the bar .
10 Shortly afterwards he apparently became tutor to a son or sons of Sir Thomas Hoby [ q.v. ] , of Bisham Abbey , Berkshire , whose wife Elizabeth [ q.v. ] commended him to her brother-in-law William Cecil ( later Baron Burghley , q.v. ) , whom Hayes apparently served in unknown capacities for at least twenty years .
11 In this work of at least twenty years ' duration Cregeen was encouraged and assisted by the Revd John Edward Harrison ( 1784–1858 ) , vicar of Jurby , whose hand has been detected in the preface and the opening paragraphs of the grammar .
12 Mannerism had appeared in the madrigal at least twenty years earlier , with Rore ( see p. 233 ) , and still more with Wert who , like Luzzaschi , had studied with Rore .
13 For at least twenty years after the Second World War most people supported the welfare state but since then it has come under attack from all sides .
14 King James was supposed to have worn it for at least twenty years .
15 In terms of Greater York and its th the York greenbelt I think it 's true to say that er some time ago when David Kaiserman of Manchester did research on greenbelts he came to the view , or he came up with the conclusions from his questionnaires that he sent round , and that study was done , must be ten , fifteen years ago or more , that greenbelts should endure unchanged for at least twenty years , and probably in excess of thirty , and those were the responses of county planning and other major planning authorities at that time , that view if anything has hardened , the public view would be way beyond thirty years .
16 William 's solicitor believes much of the trauma could have been avoided if police had checked their identification files sooner since William looked nothing like the suspect who was at least twenty years younger .
17 And I 'm not quite sure why Age Concern , which has had this for I think at least twenty years for their Christmas Carols , which is not included .
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