Example sentences of "at [adv] [num] times " in BNC.

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1 Anything above a hundred thousand , and we 're looking at financial underwriting , we 're looking at basically four times salary .
2 More painful still , 16-megabit chips will hit the market at only nine times the price of existing 4-megabit DRAMs .
3 They 'll provide accommodation and three meals a day , at only four times the cost of letting her do it herself .
4 Meanwhile , however , concerns about NAFTA will not diminish soon — one reason , along with tight money , why Mexican shares are selling at only ten times prospective earnings .
5 Interest cover was already strong and is now at nearly ten times patently er , a very healthy level and whether or not you add back the good will on other er , acquisitions , I dare say the ratio is at a very low level indeed .
6 New investment per employed worker in US manufacturing in 1955 was running at about 1.6 times the European level , and nearly five times that of Japan ; by 1970 US manufacturing was investing about the same per worker as European industry and one-third less than Japanese .
7 Yesterday the shares ticked on another 10 to 579p before settling at 574p , putting the rating at about 15 times on Smith New Court 's expectations of a 9 p.c. growth in earnings this year .
8 When a mite climbs on to a worker ant 's chin , it expects more than just a free ride ( photographed at about 20 times life size ) .
9 It is interesting to not that the values achieved in 1989 were broadly at about three times the turnover seen in these outlets , whereas today , a multiplier of approximately one , to one and a quarter times turnover , is far more appropriate .
10 Since the front of a slug travels downstream at about three times the speed of the rear ( Fig. 18.7 ) , there can be substantial variations in the fraction of the flow that is turbulent ( Fig. 18.8 ) and thus in the flow rate .
11 Particles containing the b quark ( bottom particles ) are the heaviest found so far , some weighing in at around 10 times the mass of the proton .
12 We made two sales last year at around four times the highest price paid for Chadwick at auction .
13 Grand Trunk shares traded at around three times their nominal value .
14 It has indeed made a saving of some £3 billion , but the costs of the rebates paid so far has been estimated at around three times that much .
15 Of course when he was living with Beatrice — and he painted her at least fourteen times — he could resume his sittings more or less at will .
16 Steffi has lost at least four times this year to Sabatini .
17 He walked me to the door with the kids in tow and said that we could all have a look inside , the kids as well , but even though I was shaking from head to toe , I said eventually , after we walked past the place at least four times , if I was going to do this I might as well do it on my own .
18 Peter Wickins had been stabbed at least four times in the chest .
19 Open latches , take a piece of yarn at least four times the length of the neckband , lay behind needle heads and close latches over .
20 The phoney financiers have struck at least four times so far in Coventry , stealing three-figure sums .
21 They lied at least four times last week as they tried to gloss over the seriousness of a plutonium spillage at the heart of their reprocessing operation .
22 PREVIOUSLY FILMED at least four times , James Fenimore Cooper 's 1826 novel is one of those cornerstones of American literature no-one actually reads .
23 At school-leaving age , she was training seriously at least four times a week and attributed her total lack of educational qualifications to her athletic indulgences .
24 Not only was the victim named , but also her photograph was shown at least four times .
25 A favourite ballet was Swan Lake which she saw at least four times when school parties travelled to the Coliseum or Sadler 's Wells theatres in London .
26 Each transfection was repeated at least four times with two different plasmid DNA preparations .
27 By regularly I mean at least four times a week .
28 Microsoft claims FoxPro 2.5 performed at least four times better than its closest rival , Borland 's Paradox 4.0 , in tests carried out by a third party consultant.FoxPro 2.5 will eventually be released for non-Windows DOS , Apple Mac and Unix platforms .
29 During the 1970s Lima had at least four times been the object of investigations by parliamentary commissions which had looked into his connections , as a member of local government , with the local construction sector in the 1960s .
30 In order to survive , the goldfish must consume at least four times its body weight every hour .
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