Example sentences of "at [art] present [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the present level of staffing the project should be complete within ten years , with the German funding providing for two members of staff for three years .
2 However , if sales are maintained at the present level the higher rate will generate an extra $18 million of gross earnings .
3 The need to read Playboy is of a different order from the need for my bone marrow — in the latter case , it is assumed , at the present level of development of medicine , that no alternative is possible while , in the former , it is much easier to produce alternative means ( including other sorts of magazines ) .
4 The opposite suggestion , that marine planation at the present level is active , has been made from observations of wide platforms truncating hard rocks and apparently related to present sea level .
5 I recommend that the funding continue at the present level , with an inflationary consideration — £5,954 .
6 I notice from the erm County Council 's own er document for today that they remind us that the Panel in looking at the present structure plan in nineteen eighty erm considered whether the county 's wish at that time to have this broad erm kind of sweeping up policy was appropriate .
7 It was because Pound behaved always in the spirit of this remark that he could not fail to offend Englishmen of the type of Beerbohm and Bowra , and that he continues to offend their likes and their successors ( in all social classes ) at the present day , as , for instance , his confrere T.S .
8 And so the last page or so is given over to French names : Corbière and Jammes and De Regnier ; Tailhade and Romains ; Vildrac , Spire and Arcos — poets who at the present day have few readers even among the French .
9 At the present day , however , the rights of the purchaser of the legal estate for value without notice are diminished by the Land Charges Act 1972 , which has in certain cases prevented such a purchaser from defeating the rights of the equitable owners , by enabling certain rights in the land to be registered , and providing that registration is equivalent to notice .
10 At the present day they have no powers over the infant 's land .
11 It has had a long and complicated history ; but , at the present day , the form required by law for the creation and transfer of estates and interests in land is both uniform and simple .
12 The strict settlement method is rarely used at the present day .
13 A great thrust , the Outer Hebrides Thrust or Fault , terminated the Laxfordian sequence of events , and this thrust can be recognised at the present day as a feature on or near the eastern seaboard of the entire Outer Hebrides chain of islands ( see Fig. 7 ) .
14 Clearly this maturity profile has a much steeper gradient than all the late Paleozoics examples which can be related to the much higher geothermal gradient of 35–40°C/km recognised at the present day ( Albrecht et al. 1976 ) .
15 Such regional devolution is well known and topical in the United Kingdom at the present day .
16 γ Os values are not affected by this change , and the ‘ mantle ’ 187 Os/ 188 Os value adopted here ( 0.12776 ) is consistent with 187 Os/ 186 Os=1.060 at the present day .
17 There is not one of the erroneous and superstitious beliefs of mankind that are supposed to have been superseded but has left vestiges at the present day in the lower strata of civilized peoples or even in the highest strata of cultivated society .
18 Engels argued that : ‘ Sex love and the relation of husband and wife is and can become the rule only among the oppressed classes , that is , at the present day , among the proletariat , no matter whether this relationship is officially sanctioned or not . ’
19 " that from the style of the building ( which although ancient in its design , is at the present day unique and novel ) it is almost impossible to calculate to any thing near the real cost , where the greatest part of the expense is incurred by the labour in working the , stone in the various forms on antique architecture .
20 And we were absolutely amazed when , in going round the ocean floors , we found that indeed these molecules in the sediments showed a , a relationship to the surface temperatures above them at the present day .
21 Moreover , it is also certain that English-speaking scholars do not have reliable retrospective intuitions about EModE pronunciation any more than they have reliable intuitions about divergent states at the present day .
22 The regular patterns of variability observable in ( a ) at the present day suggest this strongly .
23 No one has been able to point to any useful purpose that it serves at the present day .
24 So let us look at the present day , and to take this wording , do you consider that it is now appropriate that Skelton should expand any further ?
25 ‘ The conventions of the constitution now consist of customs which ( whatever their historical origin ) are at the present day maintained for the sake of ensuring the supremacy of the House of Commons , and ultimately , through the elective House of Commons , of the nation .
26 The question to whom the omelette and the statue belong is another matter , and Salmond pointed out that the attempts of the older lawyers to transplant the Roman law of specificatio , confusio and the like to our system are of small practical use at the present day .
27 Do you know the former population of Islay and the population at the present day ? "
28 At the present day this is a question more easily asked than answered .
29 Two clarinets are in use at the present day , in B ♭ and A.
30 And in nineteen twenty er strike going at the present day there was what we called the soup kitchens .
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