Example sentences of "at [art] far [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the far edge of the peat bog there rose a peculiar outcrop of limestone .
2 A crash behind her made her turn and she saw the enraged old man had hurled his soup dish at the far wall where it hit the pretty paper and ran in thin trickles down onto the pale-grey carpet .
3 She was staring at the far wall of the small room , which was completely covered in postcards and photogravure cards from just about every city in Europe .
4 Together they barely had time to take up a position at the far door , seize a loaded gun , drop to one knee , and aim as , with a final heave , the bulging mass of bodies exploded into the room , followed by the living .
5 Primed with the good advice , but uncertain how far he could follow it , Greg went in through the hall of the cottage , artificially created by modern alterations , and knocked at the far door on the right .
6 It 's right down at the far south west .
7 The owner of Redi-Hot , who seemed to spend most of his time reading a guide book , told Mr and Mrs Wordmaster , who looked suitably impressed , that Thunder Bay , one of Canada 's largest ports , was at the far west end of the St Lawrence-Great Lakes seaway and should really be called what the locals called it , The Lakehead .
8 There is a second dairy yard at the far side of the farm , near the village of Shepton Montague .
9 At the far side we used Hafpor 's truck to speed-check us , and in the light wind were easily making 45kph .
10 Travelling like a cannonball it flew straight into the shallow ditch at the far side .
11 They were seated at the breakfast bar in the kitchen , and she pointed to a row of cereal boxes at the far side of the room .
12 He near killed Patrick Glas two days past on the big birlinn at the far side of the bay , him and his dallta , for slipping and falling in front of his lordship when he was in a hurry .
13 By the next field , the river curved in almost a right-angle so that by running diagonally across , they were able to cross the road and approach a place where , at the far side of the bridge , the ground shelved gently down to the water .
14 Aggie sat down on the wooden chair and drew Millie close to her side as the woman at the far side of the desk smiled gently at her , saying , ‘ I am very pleased to meet you , Mrs Winkowski .
15 He saw movement at the far side of the field , close by a dark-leafed wood .
16 At the far side , the peninsula of Northmavine forms a boundary which ends at Fedeland , one of the famous ‘ haaf stations ’ of last century , from which the Shetland fisherman used to row or sail in open boats to the ‘ far haaf ’ , the fishing grounds which could be as far as sixty or more kilometres from land .
17 Meg was busy trying on hats at the far side of the room , the android assistant standing beside her at the mirror , a stack of round , candy-striped boxes in her arms .
18 At the far side was a second gate , nearly as massive as the first .
19 There was a knock on the door at the far side of the room , and after a moment the soldier entered with an armload of goods in striped bags .
20 Helen caught sight of a silver-grey head at the far side of the room and twitched ; not Giles Carnaby , of course not , how could it be here ?
21 At the far side of the valley the motorway climbs away up to Great Barr while the canal divides round another island as it approaches Rushall Junction where it is joined by the Rushall Canal to win the coal trade from the Cannock mines .
22 The silence was broken by the clip-clop of hooves as a horse was led from its stable at the far side of the courtyard by an Indian .
23 Below , the prisoners sat at the far side of a rank of yellow-decked tables , with their little visitors — women , kids , the old — ranged opposite on kitchen chairs .
24 In the distance Alyssia could see the flat blue sea , and at the far side the path leading down to the cove .
25 The entrance with its kiosk and museum was away at the far side , and not inhabited by night .
26 At the far side of the beach the rocks began , some humped with brown weed , some slatey and treacherous , breaking away in thick flakes .
27 They looked like some great beast with gaping mouth and hungry eyes , then I caught a movement over near the great elms at the far side of the common .
28 Without a word Alexander Vass rose to his feet and crossed to a small desk at the far side of the room .
29 Finding an empty table at the far side of the tent , they sat down and Lissa stirred sugar into her coffee .
30 As she came out again Cormack thought he saw the man from the pier at the far side of the car park beside a small green car .
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