Example sentences of "at [art] [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 In today 's Nature , Professor Stephen Mann and Dr Jon Didymus from Bath University , working with Dr Young and colleagues at the Natural History Museum , have found that in spite of their varied appearance , the chalk crystals of which they are built are organised in the same way at the atomic level .
2 Otherwise we , who after all live in the everyday world and not at the atomic level , would be unaware of the observation .
3 Flaws in crystals at the atomic level are far smaller than the pits etched in a laser disc 's surface , so crystals can potentially pack more information into a given area .
4 The spectra of atoms , for instance , with their series of lines , provided the pioneers of quantum mechanics with incontrovertible evidence of the quantum nature of matter at the atomic level .
5 On surfacing , the rate again speeds up , generally remaining at the higher level until the carbon dioxide content of the exhaled air has returned to normal — usually in a few seconds .
6 But in this period his salary , although not extravagant , was generous enough : the priest at Longdendale was allocated less than half the Master 's £10 , which stood at the higher level of salaries , ranging from £4 6 0d to £12 6 0d , at this time for such a position .
7 An alternative is to choose a ’ sensitive region ’ at the higher level , and then only explore low level moves there .
8 Also , although the simpler level of search has no metric and involves random jumps , there is a notion of proximity at the higher level : Two states are close if the proportion of RAM chip cells with different entries is small .
9 In this sense , the search at the higher level only takes small steps .
10 Functions and combinations of functions , at the higher level .
11 In that case the court has a discretion ( in order to avoid injustice ) to award damages at the higher level of £750 ( i.e. by reference to the market price at July 15 instead of the later contract delivery date of December 1 ) , Johnson v. Agnew ( 1979 H.L. ) .
12 From where she stood on the gravelled forecourt , she saw that the flight of steps ahead led up to the living accommodation at the higher level , no doubt to exploit the panoramic view , while below , built into the slope , were the garages and stores .
13 The tighter the constraint provided by the context , the greater the excitations and feedback at the higher level .
14 And the chairman added : ‘ While we will have to strengthen the squad to compete at the higher level , we are certainly not looking for a lot of new players .
15 When the target is a letter , it activates one unit at the letter-detector level but none at the word-detector level ( all word detectors will be inhibited ) .
16 But the irony is that a human being , with all his potential capacity for understanding , is actually so cut off from his fellow humans that a plant sometimes has better perceptions at the subtle level than he has !
17 Together with the vibrational communication at the subtle level , all these are going on continuously before our eyes , if we had the understanding to perceive it .
18 Weekend talk of policy rifts at the highest level and of impending recession , and a perception that the Government is most reluctant to raise interest rates again , caused sterling to collapse to its lowest against the Deutschemark since the celebrated events of March last year .
19 After all , if you can borrow ( or exchange your existing UK mortgage where you are paying rates at the highest level in real terms for over a century ) for a Swiss franc mortgage at around 9.5 per cent , a mark mortgage at just under 10 per cent , an Ecu mortgage ( Ecu is the European currency unit which is made up of a ‘ basket ’ of 10 currencies including sterling ) at about 10 per cent or a Japanese yen mortgage at just under 8 per cent , why not do so ?
20 Players certainly gained in terms of rising wages , advertising , and other sources of income , but at the highest level they often found there were new stresses to cope with as they were ‘ declassed ’ and lost touch with their old communities .
21 Mr Coetsee said a warrant would also be issued for the arrest of Captain Dirk Coetzee , the former head of a police murder squad who confirmed and amplified Nofomela 's disclosures , claiming that the killings had been approved at the highest level .
22 Sole is one of those rare front-row forwards whose remarkable range of skills not only makes him a complete footballer but also brings fresh possibilities to the way the game can be played at the highest level .
23 The former eco-terrorists , feared for their readiness to ambush government whenever it marched into the green province , had suddenly become people worth informing and consulting at the highest level .
24 There were no sudden changes in direction even though employers and government began to modify their attitudes towards trade unions in such a way as to encourage negotiations at the highest level .
25 Denis Evans , secretary of the WRU , said : ‘ Both men have demonstrated their great commitment to Wales over the last nine months and have shown they have the talent and organisational ability to help generate success for the Welsh team at the highest level . ’
26 They feel the need to inject young and hungry talent into the bank 's deliberations at the highest level .
27 Others have survived similar heart complaints and are still working , both in the First Division and at the highest level on the Continent .
28 There have been one or two double-handers but not at the highest level .
29 We have an Academic Advisory Group , chaired by Lord Lewis , which has given us access to professional expertise at the highest level .
30 She will ensure that women 's voices are heard at the highest level .
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