Example sentences of "by the [adj] court " in BNC.

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1 Once again , the Divisional Court refused to apply the criteria used by the European Court of Human Rights .
2 However Bryce said that UKELA did advocate the use of fines imposed on a country by the European Court as a result of proceedings brought by the Commission .
3 On 18 September , Environment Minister Chris Patten flew to Brussels for talks with Environment Commissioner Carlo Ripa di Meana , according to The Times still ‘ optimistic that he could head off threatened prosecution of Britain by the European Court ’ by showing that ‘ Britain was doing everything it could to comply with the European drinking water legislation . ’
4 We will bring forward proposals for reform of the Sunday Trading laws once the legal position has been made clear by the European Court of Justice .
5 Rulings made by the European Court of Justice now mean that pension schemes run by employers should not discriminate between men and women on grounds of age , but it is not yet clear what the consequences of these rulings will be .
6 Parliament , had it been required to do so by the European Court of Human Rights , could have made a small , interstitial alteration of the law by , for example , merely amending the relevant section of the Birth and Death Registration Act 1953 ; or used the opportunity to undertake a wholesale revision of the law as it affects transsexuals .
7 This change in the law was forced on the government by the European Court of Justice which decided in favour of a woman who did not want to retire at 60 .
8 It has been held by the European Court of Human Rights that freedom of expression ( Article 10 ) constitutes one of the essential foundations of democratic society , one of the basic conditions for its progress and for the development of every man ( judgment of the Court of 7 December 1976 , Handyside Case , Series A , No.24 ) .
9 Since a measure 's legal basis in the Treaty of Rome can influence the voting rules applied in the Council , legal disputes on such matters may call for resolution by the European Court .
10 These principles were inspired by an important case decided by the European Court of justice in 1979 , known as Cassis de Dijon
11 Examples of the granting of negative clearances or individual exemptions by the Commission and confirmed by the European Court in recent years include :
12 The Commission 's substantive decisions and the level of fines it imposes are subject to review by the European Court of First Instance , which is given power to increase fines as well as to cancel or reduce them .
13 By the time the United Kingdom 's application for membership was accepted , it was already the settled doctrine of European law , as enunciated by the European Court , that in the event of conflict between Community law and the domestic law of a member state , the former was to prevail ( see , e.g. , Costa v ENEL [ 1964 ] Eur CR 585 ; Internationale Handelsgesellschaft etc. [ 1972 ] CMLR 255 .
14 In other words , it was the settled view of European law , at that stage in its development , that upon accession , a member state abandoned sovereign control over its affairs to the extent that they fell within the purview of the Treaty of Rome , as interpreted by the European Court of Justice .
15 The ruling by the European Court that the British law does not break EC rules leaves the whole business in chaos .
16 UK National Insurance contribution arrangements will continue as before , following a recent ruling by the European Court of Justice .
17 Fines of Ecu10m imposed by the European Court in 1986 for alleged competition infringements on poly-propylene were reduced on appeal to Ecu9m , but are still being appealed against .
18 This follows a ruling by the European Court of Justice ( ECJ ) in Polysar Investment Netherlands BV v Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en Accijnzen te Arnhem case C — 60/90 .
19 A case involving a company called Coloroll has been waiting for resolution by the European Court .
20 More generally , the reasoning used by the European Court of Justice in the Factortame case to justify requiring interim relief to be available to protect rights in European law has wide implications .
21 A directive was , however , considered by the European Court to have direct effect , such as to confer rights upon the plaintiff in Van Duyn v. Home Office ( No. 2 ) [ 1975 ] 3 All ER 190 , although the United Kingdom Parliament had not implemented the directive by means of delegated legislation .
22 are open to review by the European Court , and by the courts of the member states , the Treaties which form the primary legislation of the EEC are not .
23 Otherwise , it would be very difficult to argue that the Act meets the requirements of the European Convention as interpreted by the European Court .
24 If the point is finally disposed of by the European Court and if the judgment goes against the United Kingdom , then the question will arise about the appropriate response to bring the legal system into line with the State 's international obligations .
25 The argument has been considered by the European Court of Justice in Torfaen Borough Council v. B. & Q. Plc .
26 Although this is contemplated by the European Court of Justice in the San Giorgio case , it is evident from Air Canada v. British Columbia , 59 D.L.R. ( 4th ) 161 that the point is not without its difficulties ; and the availability of such a defence may depend upon the nature of the tax or other levy .
27 ‘ In determining any question as to the meaning or effect of any provision contained in Schedule 4 — ( a ) regard shall be had to any relevant principles laid down by the European Court in connection with Title II of the 1968 Convention and to any relevant decision of that court as to the meaning or effect of any provision of that Title ; …
28 A series of legal rulings by the European Court of Justice and the House of Lords have pushed the British government towards the equalisation of retirement ages , if not pension ages .
29 It is clear that the founding treaties , and in particular the EEC Treaty which has by far the broadest scope of the three , have established the Communities and the institutions which enable them to operate ; but more than this , they have been held by the European Court to have set up a new legal system separate from those of the Member States .
30 The use of the teleological interpretation by the European Court is facilitated by the statements of purpose contained in the recitals of the text in question .
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