Example sentences of "by point out the " in BNC.

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1 Some anthropologists would counter these examples by arguing that there actually are class-like phenomena in such states ( Terray , 1975 ) , by pointing out the difference in access to the means of production between elders and juniors and men and women , but even if this argument is accepted it gives little support to the general theory in that such ‘ class ’ differences also occur in clearly stateless societies .
2 Though Coleridge continued at the King 's School for several months , delighting his mother by pointing out the new master 's faulty knowledge of grammar , in April 1782 Francis Buller , a family friend and later an eminent judge , obtained for him a presentation to Christ 's Hospital in London ( the Blue Coat School ) , ‘ there to be educated , and brought up among other poor children ’ .
3 Countless twentieth-century dictators have been defended from their detractors by pointing out the asceticism of their private lives .
4 Once they realized that no presents could ever be exactly the same and that they could help him to take pleasure in his sister 's presents by pointing out the good features of one of her new toys to her they felt more confident in coping with his reactions .
5 In the immediate post-war years there was an attempt to absolve the bureaucracy of responsibility for externally aggressive and internally repressive policies , by pointing out the ways in which bureaucrats had tried to hold back military excesses .
6 Offer an escape route , by pointing out the whereabouts of the toilet , if you notice a particular member is looking exceptionally bad .
7 But Smith 's tacit acquiescence with the notion that the method adopted by these researchers amounted to deception and that such deception needs to be justified ( by pointing out the importance of the question being asked ) should not go unchallenged .
8 And I promise not to embarrass you in front of the paying public by pointing out the mildew on your roses . ’
9 He had intended to sweep aside any reservations Kingdom might have about revealing a patient 's secrets by pointing out the overriding importance of finding Heather , but , instead , he had become meek and subdued , as if content to accept Kingdom 's judgement unreservedly on how much or how little he could divulge .
10 But perhaps the most striking of all the devices are the frequent self-conscious comments made by the author , laying bare his devices precisely by pointing out the differences between fabula and syuzhet , as , for example , in the following : In Tristram Shandy ( and in the O. Henry stories discussed in another essay by Eikhenbaum ) the devices are laid bare to such an extent that there remains hardly any motivation for the much diminished fabula .
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