Example sentences of "he turned [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But when they left the building he turned without explanation to the left and down the steps to Birdcage Walk .
2 He turned towards Myles , his hand on the knob of the door .
3 As he turned towards thrift , consistency , classification , Tolkien forfeited much of what he had valued before ; he was contracting , not expanding .
4 Then he turned towards Peggy , saying , ‘ Come in here a minute . ’
5 When the coffee was done , he turned towards Oliver and looked closely at the boy .
6 In the end he turned towards Moorgate .
7 When he turned towards Fagin , the box had disappeared .
8 He turned towards Coffin .
9 His eyes filled with tears as he turned towards Madge .
10 He turned towards Sylvia Toye , who was watching him with a smile on her face .
11 He turned towards Rex and approached in slow motion .
12 So he turned into Gambrinus 's and sat himself down at a small ironwork and marble table , and asked for some water .
13 Then I imagined Lewis , boots tied round his neck , for some reason suddenly resembling Shane MacGowan , skinning her jeans off , not me , and he turned into Rodney Ritchie , at home with his parents , unpicking the individual stitches of her jeans with a tiny knife , and the Ritchies all wore badly-fitting jeans and had denim curtains and denim carpets and denim light shades and denim wallpaper with the little rivets left on like poppers so you could just press paintings and photos onto the wall … except that Mr Ritchie looked like Claude Levi-Strauss , which is when I think I started to get confused .
14 Finally , on the sixth lap , Mass got around Brundle at the end of the long pits straight , and gave him an old-fashioned chop as he turned into Moises Solona Corner .
15 He fired blindly at Whitlock as he turned into Second Avenue .
16 Then he turned into Riversdale and vanished beyond the trees .
17 DE VALERA : A man who used to be President Of Ireland before he turned into Jimmy Stewart .
18 His nature , which it might be argued he turned into Nature , always desired love and recognition , in a way that most of us do , but it seemed increasingly the environment in which he lived , and more especially the people which he met , denied him that .
19 He turned into Blandford Street and found the call-box he sought on the corner with Chiltern Street , one of a bank of two .
20 Finally he turned into St Martin 's Place .
21 Nine blocks down , in the middle of the mass of square-slabbed , drab yellow-and-green workers ' apartments , he turned into Yorckstrasse .
22 He turned on Laura , with a caustic grin .
23 He turned on Marc again .
24 He turned on Rothermere in particular , citing his tergiversations and saying contemptuously , ‘ You can not take your politics from a man like that . ’
25 Hey , ’ he turned on Dangerfield .
26 And he turned on Mr Major to accuse him of running ‘ a regime unwilling to tolerate dissent and afraid of views different from its own ’ .
27 He turned with difficulty and got the keys out of the pocket of his trousers and put them on the chair seat .
28 Robert Burns called John Tennant , ‘ a worthy , intelligent farmer , my father 's friend and my own ’ and his regard is borne out by the fact that when he was offered tenancy of Ellisland Farm , Dumfries , it was to John Tennant he turned for advice ; they travelled together to the farm and after an inspection , the older man recommended it to his young friend .
29 It was the women to whom he turned for comfort .
30 He turned to Anna .
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